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Baby Tegu Brumating Questions


New Member
Hi, I'm a new Tegu mom and want to do it right. I researched for years and now that she's here with me I find I am very unprepared.
Willow is 4 months old (hatched 6/30/21) and I brought her home 9/25. She went down for a "nap" 9/26. Talked to my reptile store guys replaced bulbs (Increased basking spot) and had 1 day watching her be a silly girl before ....sleep. She has had her "well baby lizard" vet visit so I know she's healthy and this is brumation. (The doc told me "trust the tegu - she knows what she's doing") Here is my question - Is it ok to "check on her" once a week or so (twice a month) when I am making sure her substrate is moist enough? OR do I need to completely avoid her unless she comes out. Spoiler Alert - I have checked in a couple times - just enough to see her move a little (that sweet tongue flick) then I cover her up and leave her alone. Yes I am aware I am crazy -- I am missing her and scared but if seeing her will cause her any issue I will stop.


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5 Year Member
I think it's totally normal to check on her right now. You're new. She's new. You'll get used to it. Don't overdo it. A little "hey are you still in there?" nudge isn't a big deal. If you find yourself doing it more and more frequently though it may be a sign that you should cool it and let her chill.


New Member
I think it's totally normal to check on her right now. You're new. She's new. You'll get used to it. Don't overdo it. A little "hey are you still in there?" nudge isn't a big deal. If you find yourself doing it more and more frequently though it may be a sign that you should cool it and let her chill.
I got the same thing going on with my ice albino he was hatched in July, he occasionally comes out around 3-4am (I have no idea why that time I have a motion detector nanny cam on his enclosure) I wake up talk to him while he’s warming up in his basking light and should I be trying to offer him food while he’s out ? He walks around like he’s looking for some and I offer him and he eats it BUT should I be doing that?


New Member
Hi, I'm a new Tegu mom and want to do it right. I researched for years and now that she's here with me I find I am very unprepared.
Willow is 4 months old (hatched 6/30/21) and I brought her home 9/25. She went down for a "nap" 9/26. Talked to my reptile store guys replaced bulbs (Increased basking spot) and had 1 day watching her be a silly girl before ....sleep. She has had her "well baby lizard" vet visit so I know she's healthy and this is brumation. (The doc told me "trust the tegu - she knows what she's doing") Here is my question - Is it ok to "check on her" once a week or so (twice a month) when I am making sure her substrate is moist enough? OR do I need to completely avoid her unless she comes out. Spoiler Alert - I have checked in a couple times - just enough to see her move a little (that sweet tongue flick) then I cover her up and leave her alone. Yes I am aware I am crazy -- I am missing her and scared but if seeing her will cause her any issue I will stop.
Update - She is sleeping under her water bowl. I was cleaning it today and she lifted her head. Was nice to talk to her for a minute. BUT I want her to wake up to play sooooooo much. Come on spring. I didnt know I could miss someone I barely know so much as I miss that silly lizard.

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