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Bedding Help!



I do not know what to use for bedding, there is no cypress bedding anywhere around here. The only mulch that we can find around here are ceder and pine which are both no-nos. There is also only the little bricks of coco husk at petco for 10 bucks, but i think i would need many of them to even put a thin layer of bedding and I don't really have that much money right now.

What other options do I have? Is there anything else I can do. Please Help!


i got my stuff from a bark dust place, if you have one near by they usually have a ton of different things you can try to use for cheap. i was able to find hemlock mulch, they had like 3 different kinds lol.


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The type of mulch locally available depends on where you live. From what I've seen Cypress is readily available in the Eastern half of the United States but hard to come by closer to the West coast.

Coco Fiber is safe and works well, but as you mentioned it can get expensive quick when dealing with larger enclosures...

You can also explore some blends until you find the one you like. Coco Fiber, soil, sand, etc can be blended until you find a consistency you like.

When selecting a soil, I suggest you avoiud potting soil and instead find soil meant to be used as backfill. I've seen decent sized bags of dirt at WalMart for less than $1.50 that would work well.

I've used a few blends as substrate for other reptiles/animals, but am fortunate enough to have access to Cypress for my tegu.


Is there a more specific type of soil?

They do have a small bag of cypress mulch at walmart, so if i found the right type of soil could i mix that with they cypress?

should I add some coco fiber aswell?

sorry for all the questions I am just trying to figure out what to do for her

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