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Bedtime vs feeding time....


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5 Year Member
The cool thing about being teacher is having the summer to mess around with your pets. Problem is, when its time to go back to school :(
Ok, I have 2 normals from Bobby's July (3 I think) hatching. They are doing pretty well, not eating as much as I've read, but doing pretty well.
Every day, my routine consisted of taking them out of their 40 gal tank (waiting to put them in the 8x4x4 I've built), and feeding them in the bathtub.
problem is I go back to work tomorrow and these guys are asleep by 4.
So it looks like I'm going to have to abandon my feeding routine, and also looks like I wont see these guys until the weekend.
So I guess my question is if everyone else's burrow down for the eve that early? I see some posts say yes. And if so, is this a year-round thing, or is it close to hibernation time?
And in my case, now I guess I must just drop some food in their enclosure in the mornings before I leave?


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5 Year Member
It's getting close to that time of year but most are still fairly active. You could try adjusting your lighting schedule. Tegu's are pretty quick to change their routine around the photoperiods you provide.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
^^^^ i agree, one of my tegus nero somehow had figured out my work shedule so when i got home at 1 am she would still be up begging for food, i guess me going in to the room everynight when i got home triggered it, and it didnt help that my timer got thrown off by a power outage and the lamps were still on when i got hme a few times. but the other 3 tegus were fast asleep around 5/6 pm.


New Member
well nobody in my house is home until around 6 and tyson has gotten used to that schedule for his feeding time. it also has to do with how comfortable your tegu is with you whether you can take him out the hide or not. mine doesn't care when you take him out. its all tegu independent.


I run my spot light on a timer with battery back up. They turn on at 10am and off at 10pm. If you want your tegu to stay up later just move the timer forward one hour every 7-10 days until it is on your new schedule. That way you can spend time with it while you are home and not at work.


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5 Year Member
It's a good safety precaution to adjust lighting schedules for when you're home anyway.

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