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Beginner Reptile Owner


New Member
I'm an absolute beginner with reptiles. I know only a little bit about how to care for Tegus, so I'd like to get some advice on them. I won't be getting mine for a really long time since there's no way I can fit one in my current house, so I'll most likely get one in around 2 years at most. I want to get an Argentine Blue Tegu, because I've found that out of the other kinds, I preferred that one. I plan to have the tegu as a free-roam, but I'll have a slight problem; I have a cat (I'll be moving down to Miami in a year, and there's a stray cat I've become friends with that I'll be bringing with me most likely, so it'll maybe two cats.) and a rabbit. I have plenty of time to spend with my tegu, so I wanted to know that if I spent enough time with my tegu such as handfeeding it, would it not bother my rabbit or try to attack me if I come in smelling of rabbit? (I've heard people say it's not good to handfeed tegus, but I've also heard that if you spend enough time with your tegu, they don't associate your hand with just food.) I also plan to take a vet course during high school so I want to get my tegu use to me handfeeding it so it won't think I'm food. I'm planning to try to use the method I did with my rabbit which was go and take a shower and change clothes so I don't smell of other animals and get her use to me and then have it to where she was use to the smells of other animals. It worked and I have no problems with her being scared of the scents of my cats and dogs, so I wondered if it would work with my tegu? Also, I wondered how I could keep their cage humid because I plan to put a door or something like that on the cage so they can come out whenever they want. If keeping my room a certain temperature and keeping a humidifier in my room would make them happy, I'm more than happy to do so. Since I plan to have the tegu as a free roam, I have a slight problem; I have a 5-6 nephew, and I won't let the tegu out of my room without supervision, but I wondered would my nephew and the tegu not get along? He likes to wrestle and is a lil' rebel, so would my tegu get angry with my loud nephew? Also, should I lock up my tegu while I'm at school? I don't really leave to party at friend's houses but I do track. I want to let them roam free while I'm at school in my room; I plan to have my bed on the ground so if my tegu wants to sleep on my bed, they can. I'll keep my door locked with a key that will only be in reach of the adults. Also another thing; I plan to in 3-4 years from now go study abroad in Japan, so could I have my Tegu registered as an emotion support animal? I have panic attacks, and from growing up around animals, I have a tendency to cling to animals during panic attacks. My tegu will most likely go to Japan with me since I'd rather not bring my cats since they are elders and I figure it would be way too stressful, so I wondered if my tegu would be okay in an airplane? Thanks for any advice :)

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