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big surprise from LLLreptile at Raleigh expo


5 Year Member
Yeah, the colombian thing is annoying. I've brought up various reptile labelling crazyness i've seen at pet shops to the people working there, and they either don't care or get annoyed with me. I've even seen colombian tegus labelled as "tegu monitors," and once overheard a pet shop employee training another employee saying "this is a tegu, it's a monitor" and i told them they weren't monitors but teiids, and they both just kind of stared at me like i was crazy and were like "okayyyy.... whatever."


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CaseyUndead said:
Yeah, the colombian thing is annoying. I've brought up various reptile labelling crazyness i've seen at pet shops to the people working there, and they either don't care or get annoyed with me. I've even seen colombian tegus labelled as "tegu monitors," and once overheard a pet shop employee training another employee saying "this is a tegu, it's a monitor" and i told them they weren't monitors but teiids, and they both just kind of stared at me like i was crazy and were like "okayyyy.... whatever."

Well, that's because most pet shop employees are the same employees you see at MC Donald's. They work for minimum wage and have no real knowledge of the animals at all.


New Member
yea the tegu that i just recently got is an import. that was one of the first things he told me. he said it was CB in argentina by some breeder. and then imported here. i dont know how much of that is true but so far he seems healthy. i may have gotten lucky on this one. that is also unfortunate about that breeder who KNOWS his tegus have parasites and simply does not care. i much prefer the breeders who take pride in their work and focus on the quality of the animals produced. much like bobby does. thats why he has some of the best tegus around.


New Member
Is there a medicine I can give my tegus to rid them of these parasites or is it still not 100% they have parasites? I'd like to know because I don't want them getting sick and dying. Even if they are imports, they are just as good as any other argentine tegu in my eyes. Even ones hatched by a US breeder aren't THAT many generations from being in the wild too.


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5 Year Member
The problem is, there are different types of medicines to treat different types of parasites, you do not want to treat an animal for something he does not have. You must have a fecal float done to know what type you are treating. Most vets will allow you to take a fresh sample in to them, and only charge you for the test and meds. You can call a good herp vet in your area and ask them if they would consider doing such, that would save you an exam bill.


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5 Year Member
Whatever happen to taking pride in what you do period whether you work in a fast food place or breeding animals why don't most people just do what they do well out of self respect...why waste the time you have in life half @$$ing your job...especially when you CHOOSE to do the job


New Member
Hey camaro3800series2,
Sounds like your guys have bugs in em! If it were me I'd take em to the vet ASAP! Spend a couple hundred buck's if need be just to make sure they are ok. Then you can have peace of mind.

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