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Bit of help please..


New Member

Was going to post on RFUK but you guys seem really helpful and friendly so thought I'd give it a go!

I am new to tegu keeping and have had my blue for a few weeks now I'd say, she lives at current in a 4x1.5x1.5 viv until she settles in conpletely when she will be moved into my 6 footer that I built for her over the summer.

She seems to be getting on fine - scrabbly at times but is more trusting of me than she was at the beginning, so have been making progress on that front!

However, over the past two days I've spotted a few things that concern me - one being one of her fingers on her right hand seems a little inflamed and the scales aren't quite 'right'..

The second being that one scale on her head turned almost whiteish one night, and today another one adjacent has... the scale looks every so slightly wrinkled.. can anyone give me an insight as to what this could be?? Many thanks.. just want her to be happy and healthy x



New Member
Sorry I forgot to mention - I mist the enclosure every morning before the heating turns on, I bathe her every 2-3 days for about 15/20 minutes.. she also has an Arcadia d3 bulb for heat/uv.. feeds on turkey peppers carrots strawberries lambs liver etc with calcium added etc x

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
Welcome to the site and congrats on the new gu :).
What are you using to measure humidity as well as heat?
Hot spots under lights can sometimes cause burns and with the height of your enclosure I can easily see that happening with the basking temps they require. It could also be an injury from her trying to escape that's not quite healing because of the moisture in the enclosure but the substrate looks pretty dry.
The scales on her head could be a natural color change but time will tell if it starts too look like her toes.


New Member
5 Year Member
Does she have a hide or burrow that retains any moisture? Misting doesn't do a lot if the substrate can't retain the moisture. Dry substrate will soak up whatever moisture the animal has. This is where I think your problem is. Make sure her hide, or burrow, or wherever she goes at night, is always humid and moist. That's when/where they need it most.

Also, excessive bathing can remove a lot of important oils and can actually contribute to dryness and poor sheds. So while soaking them may help temporarily, it can be counter-productive to good shedding. If the humidity is up, and the substrate is moist, soaking won't be an issue.
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