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Well i had a blue tegu and now RedheadMommie has him cause i sold him to her and he was very very docile tegu,now that doesn't mean every blue tegu will be super docile, they all will be alittle different.But for the most part when i had mine he was great.Good luck.
I'm sure they would be if they were handled enough. Our male & female Blues have a bit of an attitude but they weren't handled alot when they were younger.
Like any tegu handle them when they are younge and they are great lizards. I'd call my blue puppy dog tame. He wanders my room and sudden noices dont bother him at all. He lets people rub his belly and will tolerate being held on his back, he doesnt like it but he'll allow it. I've never had a pet lizard that actully like going places and he travels very well. So yes blues can be handleable just like B&Ws but like any tegu its just about conditioning at a young age that people are not something to fear.
My Baraka is a lap lizard...he sleeps in my bed and eats chicken nuggets, well, thieves chicken nuggets right out of my kids hands. He sleeps with my himalayan cat when we aren't in bed. That's my definition of tame. He's great...wouldn't have him any other way..