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hey thanks. My roomate found this tegu through her brother and i can't wait!!! Still working on the pictures, it being halloween i get busy, I'm a desinated driver so my phone hasn't stopped riging, lol.
Good to see some familar people as well as new ones.
hey thanks i like him alot. and the PVC you can't really go wrong, except i did have to get a much larger piece then when he was little. One day i came home and he could only fit his nose into the pipe, lol. he loves the tube even though he doesn't quite fit anymore.
As Varnyard knows ... I currently own the only 2 blues reported in Canada, Who knows maybe in the spring I will be able to report there are more of them up here.
Great pics everybody !!! If I get around to it, I have a couple lame photographer attempts that I will toss up too.
Blues, blues, blues, blues!!! I'm beginning to feel left out. Maybe I'll fall to peer pressure and buy one. Maybe. I'm still partial to the B&W and Reds.