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Calling all Blue tegu owners!!


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He's our male Blue Tegu. He's rubbed his chin raw and this morning rubbed through is nose trying to get out off his cage.

I finally finished his full size enclosure. Here he is exploring it.

He spent almost an hour walking around and trying to get to the plants in the background. He hasn't been able to eat since he's been impacted for the last week. He's going to have to go back to the vet tomorrow and get a better laxative than mineral oil. We gave him a little fruit and Tegu bites. He's starving!! I had thought his rubbing was because he was always hungry, but I over fed him and he hasn't had a BM in almost a week. The vet said he can't eat until he passes what's in him.

On the other hand he's calmed down some. He enjoyed a nice warm bath yesterday and today (to try and get him to go!). Yesterday for half an hour, most of the time with his eyes closed.

I'm hoping he'll rub his nose less now that he's in a much bigger enclosure. The mylar background is nice and smooth and he hasn't rubbed on the front screen (1/2" vinyl coated hardware cloth) yet. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

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