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can someone answer my questions?


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5 Year Member
I am from The Netherlands so if I speak poor englisch, please exuse me haha

I got myself a baby black and white a few weeks ago and everything seemed to go right, (offcourse I read allot about these guys before actually getting one) the little fellow was growing fast, eating very, very well, only the taming didn't really work out, but hÃ?Æ?Ã?©; he's still young, he has allready shed once without leaving any left-overs on his feet.

but last night I was terribly shocked, and confused. my little guy was just laying still and he was shaking! as if his muscles were boiling underneath his skin! offcourse I immediantly contacted a close friend of mine, and the head of the breeding facility from Sauria (a coorperation breeding endangerd and rare reptiles here in The Netherlands) who has some experience breeding red tegu's
I thought I had bought a pair of proper UV lamps, well allthough it is said on the boxes of these lamps they do have UV radiation they probably didn't. :(

so I bought another UV lamp and fed my tegu some baby rats with vitamines and minerals, he's now still under this lamp and he's not shaking anymore, he's not walking quit right yet but he seemes to do allot better! thank god!

now my question was; is there anything else I can do for the poor little thing?
and will he ever walk like a "normal" tegu?

I hope you understood everything I writed down, and hope to hear from maybe some people who have seen the same kind of thing!

regards, ben


5 Year Member
I'm no expert on the subject, but believe that could be symptoms of MBD. It would be wise to contact a vet that handles lizards/herps.

Also, read Bobby Hill's care sheet, and follow it to the t: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.varnyard-herps-inc.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.varnyard-herps-inc.com/</a><!-- m -->



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5 Year Member
Probably MBD. There are plenty of bulbs out there that claim to be "full spectrum" but put out no UVB. A Mercury Vapor bulb would be best, such as a Zoo-Med PowerSun or Mega-Ray, will give him lots of UVB. If he's twitching, a drop or 2 daily of a liquid calcium supplement (such as Bone-Aid) for 3 or 4 days will help to get him back on the right track.


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5 Year Member
its most likely metabolic bone disease (MBD) caused from an improper amount of UVB which can cause "seizures" buy yeh ,soem people scam you saying that things are full spectrum when theyre not :bs


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5 Year Member
a little update'; I am very glad to see the littile guy walking aroud like normal tegu, he eats normally tries to hit me with his tail and bites me... buissiness as usual! :lol:

before I got him I have been reading about these guys and I am no starting reptile keeper, so I allready knew the caresheets...

as far as the hitting me with the and biting, I am using the method in bobby's articel; taming the beast, and slowly but surely he's getting more tame. so you guys don't have to worry about me mistreating the baby 'gu :grno


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5 Year Member
natural sunlight will work faster in healing him than uvb bulbs(just my opinion) dont forget to feed him rodents several times a week or use supplements.if you have warm weather and can take him outside, I think you should.

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