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Chef needs feeding advice


New Member
Both my wife and I are chefs. This gives us access to a large amount of food for our tegu. We are lucky to work at restaurants that deal with a wide variety of local, organically raised meats. So far I have been bringing home chicken pieces. The wing tips and the backs cut up in small pieces, bone, connective pieces. I also have unlimited access to salmon and trout scraps, including the heads. I want to try to make a mix of ground that includes roasted bones (the meat would be raw but the bones roasted to create essentially bone meal). I also have unlimited egg shells that could be ground up and added to anything.

Chicken backs seem to be popular. Salmon is eaten but doesn't seem to be a favorite. Jumbo shrimp are probably the very favorite, and look absurd, as they are so expensive! What else would you bring home if you were in my situation? I believe in whole prey and will definitely continue to incorporate a good deal of that but also want to take advantage of some of the perks of my job. Any suggestions are welcome.


New Member
Yeah, definitely will be bringing home offal (organ meat and such). I had to resist the urge to bring home some foie gras the other night. Way too high in fat but the absurdity of feeding my tegu foie was so funny I started to consider it. She did get a small portion of the beef tar tar we serve at the restaurant with 62 degree egg cooked with the immersion circulator. She loved that dish lol. I'll have to make it with turkey or chicken and then she can have it more often.

Zack Wilke

New Member
Sounds like you've got this on lockdown. I've noticed that my tegu has preferences on what he eats, so don't be discouraged if he doesn't go for one prepared meal.


New Member
My tegu seems to eat everything! We have made bone meal and egg white calcium powder to supplement any ground meats. She loves trout heads, trout, shrimp, and berries. One of my farmers brings me any quail that pass and in the spring our chicken guy is going to save me any chicks that don't make it. My goal is to not make her fat...

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