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Chubbs eating a mouse


New Member
Just sharing video of Chubbs eating a little hopper mouse at school.



New Member
TegusRawsome80 said:
Irresponsible is the first word that comes to mind.

What's irresponsible about it? The mouse did not hurt him in any way. Also he swallowed it even though you don't see that in the video. It was a good feeding. I didn't buy him mice just to watch him eat. This is not for my entertainment.


New Member
Yea I know not to feed him in his enclosure. I don't want him to get food aggressive. I couldn't find a container to feed him in. But no worries everything was under control.

Well it entertained me! Yessir! Good video either way.

I'm glad you enjoyed! i'll try to post more later on


Active Member
5 Year Member
You're feeding him at a SCHOOL. A public environment where any number of things could go wrong. You fed him a live mouse which imo was a little large for him if you're feeding large. I really think behavior such as that displayed in this video is part of what gives reptile keepers a bad name.


New Member
TegusRawsome80 said:
You're feeding him at a SCHOOL. A public environment where any number of things could go wrong. You fed him a live mouse which imo was a little large for him if you're feeding large. I really think behavior such as that displayed in this video is part of what gives reptile keepers a bad name.

1.Well naturally i would feed him at school, I am a student since he is a school pet. I am the person that takes care of him. 2. He was perfectly safe and the students knew what not to do. 3. I'm not even going to get into the live vs ft debate but this mouse was a perfect size. He did swallow it whole. 4. As far the "behavior" goes there is nothing in this video that supports bad reptile keeping. It just the students reacting to the tegu eating a mouse. Something they haven't seen before. Please do not criticize in a non constructive way.


New Member
Little Wise Owl said:
TegusRawsome80 said:
Irresponsible is the first word that comes to mind.

Sort of agree on this one.

I assure you that chubbs is in good care, end while you may not agree with the way I fed him I think it is a little too far to say what i did was "irresponsible". Next time i i won't feed him on the table just to make sure he doesn't fall off and get hurt. If you have any tipsor ideas I'll be happy to receive them . To be honest I don't have much experience with tegus so pointers are always appreciated.


New Member
Grendel said:
Nothing irresponsible, people are just sensitive to the gladiator style display.

Thank you for understanding. I didn't mean for it to come off as gladiator style but when your dealing with live feeding with any animal it will seem gladiator like because the mouse has no chance to escape unlike in the wild. IMO I think live feeding keeps the animal stimulated by letting it act on its predatory instinct.


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5 Year Member
Oh trust me I'm far from sensitive, I just think it puts the animal in unnecessary danger and I personally wouldn't feed an animal in public.


New Member
Live feeding is legal in America, so I'm led to believe... In which case is just one persons opinion against another; thus leading to a never ending roundabout of pointless conversation concerning each others personal opinion.
I'm not overly into live feeding, of my tegu (not that I legally can here in the UK anyway), but I'll still watch that video happily, albeit, the thought of the little 'gu getting bitten does worry me.


Tegus Feeding on live animals is the normal process that occurs in nature, they are made for it, their instincts tell them to kill the mouse and eat it. I agree that putting a large rat with a small tegu or a snake in a confined space and leaving them alone would result in a dead or severely injured animal. In this video this was not the case. One could argue that never ever feeding live, is deliberately denying the true nature of the animal and forcing them to become a whimpy freak of nature that can't take care of itself.
The second point about feeding in public. I assume the concern is for the animal and not the humans looking at it. We all know that even a starved reptile that is stressed will not eat. So if this tegu was actually bothered by people looking at it eat, there would be NO video to comment on, end of story.

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