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Clarification & Opinions


New Member
Okay, so I've searched and read and pretty much picked this forum, TheTegu and some other online care sheets to death. I'd just like some clarification so I know I'm doing everything right before I go out a finish getting all the stuff for my coming gu.

I'd like to be safe than sorry, so give me some more tips or pointers if you have any, that would be very appreciated.

I'm going to list all the stuff I'm going to get, I have a feeling I may be missing some thing but I'm not sure what…


Solar Glo MVB: I've read about all the powersun and megaray bulbs and that this one is also a bulb liked by a few members on here. I figured I'd use it for the time being until I am able to save up for a Powersun or Megaray.

I did find it very odd that the powersuns are under $50 online, but at my local petco they are $80! Over $30 more than online!?!? I don't think I cold argue with the manager on the price, not sure if they comp in the first place.

My only problem here is I'm not sure if I should go with a 160 or 125w bulb. My cage is 5.5ft x 3ft. (It's five inches shorter because my dad thought he new more about cage building than me…even though I told him it needs to be 6..) my gu is a female so hopefully that's fine, right? if not It will last her three years while she's growing.

Regular household light bulb to light the cool side of the cage. Is there a household bulb that doesn't put off heat?


Would those two bulbs be enough to have? Or should I get an extra heat source for the warm side of the cage?

Is a 75 watt halogen bulb really better for heat than a reptile bulb? I know the heat emitters are great, but if I can save a few bucks on a halogen that would be nice, but it's not a big concern on saving money if the stuff makes my gu happy.


I've been told about a sand and soil mix at Ace hardware, not sure if my Ace carries it here yet.

I really like the mix with leaf litter sand and soil, it sounds like it's closer to their natural habitat and I like that it gives the tegu a chance to make her own burrow.

Would mixing in a very small amount of orchid bark and moss help with humidity? I know all about the issue of some peoples tegu's eating the bedding. But if it's a very small amount that is well mixed it shouldn't be an issue, right?

I'm worried about the humidity in the cage so I'm still a bit confused on the bedding. Does anyone know for sure how well the sand soil mixes help with humidity? Any measurements or percents that someone has noted by any chance?


What model of Accurite Thermometers would you guys suggest? The pet store therms don't work as well as a good ole fashioned outdoor therm from a hardware store, but there are just soooo many ones. I'm not sure which one to go with.

Is it a good idea to get two Accurite therms for each side of the cage, or is one fine for the middle of the cage? Do these therms measure humidity as well?

If hygrometers don't work very well, what do you use to measure the humidity in the cage? A few people at the pet stores here have told me they don't trust the hygrometers they sell… which was nice that they were honest with their opinion, but now I'm lost on what to use to watch humidity.


Would having a humid hide on the opposite side of her burrow be good to have if the cage doesn't hold humidity well with the bedding and heat?

I saw on a post that someone made a humid box that their tegu uses and it help with shedding, even though the rest of their cage wasn't maintaining humidity at the right percent. Would this be true?

--------------Cod Liver Oil---------------------------------------------------------

I am extremely confused with this stuff. Searching on this site doesn't seem to help either, it gives me a lot of threads that don't talk about it.

So where in the world do you get this stuff? Do you use the tablet forms from the pharmacies and break them open? Or is there a place to find it in a liquid form?

I saw some stuff online called Pet Cod Liver Oil, it was for cats and dogs but I'm sure it's the same. Only thing with that is I'd like to find it local and try not to order too much stuff online.

--------------Vitamins & Cal---------------------------------------------------------

I was wondering if their diet is varied enough if it is necessary to give them vitamin powders once or twice a week on their food.

I'm planning on feeding her the mixes with cod liver oil and beef liver like suggested on Bobby's care sheet. Along with organ meats, certain fishes I have read are okay and I may just try fruit and veggies to see if she likes them before buying them for her to eat all the time.

Are there any mixes out there with fruits and veggies added to give them vitamins in their meals as an alternative to the powders?

Also, are there healthy natural alternatives to giving her calcium? I heard about turkey and chicken necks, but how often should those be given?

No pet store in my area has calcium powder without D3 which is very frustrating, even the vitamin powders have D3 in them…

The only thing I have found is Herptivite that doesn't have D3. Is this a good source for their vitamins and minerals all in one? It's $17 so I'm hoping its worth that and good for her…


The cage is made from left over hard wood oak flooring with the bedding area coated in the same rubber material used when putting in a shower to keep moisture from damaging the walls under the tile.

The only ventilation in the cage are a few small seems along the edges where the frames meet, some knots in the wood that go all the way through and the two doors on the ends have an opening about four playing cards thick all around the doors. The doors can be given a rubber seal all around if this is too much ventilation.

I'm worried about that being too much ventilation and causing a problem with holding humidity. I'm not sure what will happen until I get the cage finalized this weekend and put the bedding and lights in to test it. I also read a few posts on wood cages absorbing the humidity…. I would assume that wood flooring would be pretty well treated since it has to withstand all the abuse floors get.

Sorry for so much stuff.... I just want to make sure I'm doing things right for my new gu. I've had experience with beardies, Iguanas and two crested geckos, this is the first Tegu I've owned it's a slightly different ball park for me. :blush:


New Member
Ok well some info I can give you is I would go with the 160 watt solar glo, I use a 125 on a 40 gallon breeder and it works great, a house hold bulb should be fine but not on the cold side maybe around the middle of the tank,
I live in nevada so humididy is a bit of a challenge, cypress mulch works wonders for me you can get this at lowes as many people do for cheap I don't mind spending more at pet stores but with cypress mulch with a zoo med reptifogger and humidity is around 80%
I use 1 digital flukers guage for both my cages and record the highs and lows for 3 days straight once a month and its done wonders, you can make just humidity hides as far as I have heard but I'm. Overprotective of humidity because bad sheds can lead to missing toes, I also mix spagnum moss into my cypress mulch,
Cod liver oil can be found at walgreens or cvs for about 10$ a pint which will last forever lol be sure not to get cherry or some other crazy flavored kind,
I use calcuim w/d3 never had issues just don't. Go overboard, everything that doesn't have bones needs calcuim,
And you need a lil more ventalation, one vent towards the top on the hot side and one vent towards the bottom on the cold,
I hope this helps a bit and good luck :)

Oh and with wood tanks, drylock cement paint seems to be the fav for most in wood inclosures, just paint the inside with it and you won't have to worry about the wood absorbing humidity or the humidity rotting the wood, with stain or polyurethane I have heard you have to retreat every year or two where as drylock I have heard claims of five years without repainting


New Member
I got my cod liver oil from GNC. Non flavored Norwegian. You can get a digital thermometer or gun and place it at each location to get temps. I use Eco earth sub strategy and add water as needed. Online is the best way to go for bulbs. Find the web site that your uvb bulb should be giving off and the make friends with someone who has a solar detector. Or buy one they are pricey. That's the best way to test them. I've hear companies had or have problems with them. Some bulbs don't last more then a month etc.


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5 Year Member
Lighting -
I used a SolarGlo for the first 9 months of my Tegus life with no problems. I would recommend the 125W and see if Petco will let you exchange it if you need the 160W. I would worry the 160W would make your ambients too high. If needed you can lower the bulb or raise the basking spot with the 125W if needed to get basking temps correct. I use the 13W coil household bulbs for ambient light in some of my enclosures.

Bedding -
I use a sand/soil mix for my Tegu and love it since switching from Cypress Mulch. I have a small amount of cypress mixed in with the sand/soil, but don't think it would be necessary to hold humidity. My cage holds humidity 100 times better with this substrate than it ever did with cypress. I also use it for my monitors and it holds a burrow extremely well. I would add some leaf litter on the top, but am having trouble getting any here in Las Vegas.

Thermometers -
I use the Accurite ones that are like $6 a piece, they show temp and humidity and also min/max temps. I put one on each end of the cage, but also use a temp gun to check temps throughout the cage. I also have some of the dial type thermometers and hygrometers throughout some of my cages just for piece of mind. The problem with the dial types when stuck on the glass or sides of the enclosure is that they read the temp there, I throw mine right on the substrate and un-bury them when needed. I also have a ZooMed digital with probe which works very well.

Cod Liver Oil -
I got mine from Walmart in the pharmacy section. It is in a gel cap and I just cut the capsule and squeeze it onto whatever I'm feeding at the moment. I rarely use it at all anymore though because I feed mostly rats. mice, chicks and tilapia filets.

Vitamins & Calcium -
The only thing I use on my Tegus food is ZooMed Repti Calcium w/o D3. I put it on the fish and if I feed ground turkey or chicken gizzards/hearts.

Enclosure -
I'm not sure what you are talking about when you say rubber used in showers, but I would be worried that the substrate will rot the wood you are using. I coated my cages in Drylok and feel it does a great job in waterproofing. I think your ventilation is fine, you can always add more later if needed. In my Tegus 8x3.5x3.5 the only ventilation is the 1/8" or so that is around the 2 doors. In my water monitors 6x3x3.5 the only ventilation is the space between the sliding glass doors. Opening and closing your cage throughout the day for feeding, cleaning, water changes, interaction, etc will allow a decent amount of air exchange.

Hope this helps, feel free to ask anything else you need help with.


New Member
Wow guys thanks a lot for clearing some things up and adding some more tid bits.

@ Kellen: Oh, the light in the middle is a good idea. Makes more sense so it can increase the light without adding a little heat to the cool side.

What kind of reptifogger do you use? I was very interested in the mini fogger that you place in a bowl of water but I heard a few people say that they got shocked, but others say they are great.

@Neeko: Have you ever had any issues with ordering bulbs online? The only reason I'm hesitant on getting them cheaper online is because I know how places handle freight and I'm sure it's the same everywhere… I'd be worried about getting a bulb that isn't broken or shaken up and doesn't lat very long. Do sites that sell bubls have great return policies for ones that don't last more than a month?

I've had the same issue with ones from the pet store as well, I get them home and within a day or two they pop. I even had one that popped, took it back for another and the other just burnt out without the coil going bad, the manager couldn't figure that one out… I assume if the bulbs at the store don't last from either shelf life or how they are handled in route to the stores that the ones online are just as bad.

I like the mega rays a lot, they are a decent price but I'd be worried about fighting to get one that works.

@James: Good point with the solar glo, I guess I could save the receipt if it doesnt get very warm.

Thanks so much for clarifying your thermometer method! Where would you find a thermometer gun? I guess that's something to get online?

I haven't found any zoo med here without D3. I think I'll do some more research on the Herptivite stuff to see if it will work until I can find some Zoomed locally… I don't like the idea of ordering it online and paying $5 shipping onto of it :b

The stuff on the cage is some sort of liquid rubber or rubber paint… Dad had some laying around in a massive bucket, he's a carpenter and said it's awesome stuff for water sealing. All he told me is that it cost him $300 for 10 gallon bucket of it, I didn't catch the name, just figured if it keeps showers from ruining the walls under them if they leak then it might work.

But I really should dry lock the walls since it's still bare wood…well on second thought, the sides on the inside of the cage are clear coated and sealed. Thats the side you would walk on so I'd assume it's pretty water and moisture tight on that side only… I don't know a thing about wood :b

There are two doors on the ends of the cage and a double door top that lifts up, so I'm sure the seems around all those openings would be fine for moisture, I can always add more later indeed :)


I forgot about soemthing else I was curious about. I guess I could make another thread for it but this may do for now..

Has anyone tried using a rain water system in their cage? Or does anyone have another reptile that requires humidity that has used it?

I looked it up on a few anole and frog sites, it seems pretty easy and I like that it's like a natural eco system sort of thing. From what I have read you can either get a drip system from a garden center or a kit for a fish tank pump with a long tube and punch wholes in it.

I think the only down side would be not having a place under the cage for excess water to run out, and storing a trash can by the cage that is full of clean water that the pump sits in.

You can add a timer to it so it goes off a few times a day or a few times a week... It may be more headache than what it's worth but It would be a cool idea for a cage eventually. Someone should try it for their Tegu someday :p

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