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I've never clipped them myself. I took Rango, Guru and Gary in to a herp shop once and they clipped them for me. I found that adding things like cinder blocks or rocks help to keep them filed down. If you're not comfortable doing it yourself you can always call around and see if shops will charge you, I wasn't charged but I left a tip.
I clip all my lizards nails. The large iguana and tegu are lots of fun to do! I have found that putting them on your lap and using a towel to cover the head seems to help. They generally tend to chill right out and let you do what you need to do. After a few times they seem to get used to it and mine actually enjoy it. Be careful though. If the animal is scared and not sitting still you can really do some damage. There is nothing worse than a pissed off lizard with a bleeding toe nail! As mentioned above, if you are not comfortable doing it yourself you can always call around .