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5 Year Member
Beauregard and my dogs get along well, never any problem whatsoever between the four of them.

I have 1.1 rat terriers and 0.1 chow. My chow is the oldest and very mellow, gets along with everyone/everything.

My female rat "Minnie" is a curious thing and sometimes an instigator but has always been very respectful of Beauregard.

My male rat has been respectful as well, very much so but we had a very close call yesterday between he and Beauregard.

It was really my fault actually.

Beauregard gets free roam of the house about an hour per day. I usually feed him outside in his feeding enclosure but I have been having work done on my house the last two months and have been unable to keep the old routine.

I have been feeding Beauregard in his room mainly but sometimes I feed him in the living room with my immediate supervision.

Yesterday, I placed Beauregard's food bowl under the couch so he could eat in peace and that's when all hell almost broke loose!

I never in a million years would have thought Chooch could squeeze his butt under the couch, it just seemed impossible but he was able to get under there enough to disrupt Beauregard's dinner session.

I happened to step away in the next room for one second and that's when the war between Chooch and Beauregard almost took place.

Frankly, I wasn't quite sure what the heck was going on as I could hear growling and hissing, very loud growling and hissing at that!

So I run in and grab Chooch by his butt and literally pull him out from under the couch... with Beauregard in hot pursuit mind you with his mouth fully extended, jaws snapping!

Thank God I pulled Chooch out when I did as I believe Beauregard would have gotten the best of him!

Two males of totally different species fighting over food. Can't imagine what it must have looked like under the couch!

Lesson on my end learned!

On a funny note, later on after I had put Beauregard back in his enclosure Chooch once again slipped under the couch, some kind of way, investigating, more likely trying to get a food tidbit that might have spilled out.

I had to turn his body sideways to get him out as he was stuck! Almost had to lift the couch really.

What animals will do over food sometimes is simply amazing, oh well, just thought I'd share the story.



My small dogs think they are so tough too. I have seen them steal from tonka's bowl when I wasn't paying attention luckily Tonka is mellow. I had not realized tonka had not eaten a chick so my dogs were out the next thing I know my daschund daisy is in her enclosure with trying to eat the chick.


5 Year Member
Funny thing is, I have never seen Beauregard show this type of aggression! He is the biggest sweetheart of a lizard you will ever see. It was exciting and frightening at the same time. Of course later on in his enclosure I was rubbing his jowls while he was cooing with his eyes closed. He's so spoiled! I'm just glad he loves me! :p


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