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Communities opinion on the Vivosun tent for Tegu enclosure?


Active Member
5 Year Member
Im planning on getting a tegu this coming summer. Im starting my planning now, so that I am fully ready with a great enclosure for her when she arrives.

Ive heard a few people mention that they have a hydroponics tent for their tegu, instead of a traditional cage. I wanted to know what your guys opinions on these were. The biggest one I can find is the Vivosun Grow Tent, 96"48"90".


It looks to have easily manageable temperatures and humidity, is that true? But what about the sturdiness of the tent? Is it tough enough to withstand an adult tegu pushing at it? Is it tough enough to not get all tared up from tegu claws, from digging and scratching?

What are some of your experiences with these tents? Do you have a positive opinion of them? Are they good for adult tegus?


Active Member
Nashville, TN

Here are two threads from this forum that I think are great discussions on grow tent enclosures. I use one, and personally think they are a fantastic option. To summarize: temps and humidity are indeed very manageable (just don't over saturate the substrate with water), and the tents have shown to be very sturdy against these large digging lizards. I have seen people express concern that a tegu may claw through the mylar, but it is very tough material, and I have yet to see any keeper who uses a grow tent report this happening


Active Member
5 Year Member
Cool, thank you. It would be nice for an update though, if this works with an adult tegu. They are very strong and persistent.

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