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Couch > cage


So, apparently, behind the backrest cushions is where it's at if you're a tegu. My 16"-17' baby will scratch at her cage door and give me the sad eyes until I take her out. I then take her to the couch with me (after she's run up my arm to my shoulders or the top of my head), where she'll crawl down, root around a bit, and then go behind one of the back cushions (basically pillows for the backrest). She'll stay there for hours. I don't know that she'd ever come out. She usually chooses the cushion right behind me too- maybe because it's more snug than a non-occupied spot, and a little warmer.

I put a heating pad behind one of the cushions for her to use when I have her out there, and she does use it. Prior to this, I have no idea how this is better than her nice, warm, humid cage. She really seems to prefer life behind the couch cushions.

Oh, and I put a sheet over the couch, behind and under the cushions, so she can't jam herself somewhere inaccessible. I'd hate to have to take a reciprocating saw after my couch to get her out. I would, though, because, even though couch > cage, tegu is > than couch.



New Member
Mine does this too! Has since she was a baby. She honestly just loves any sorts of dark and tight spaces (which is so odd to me). She will go in them regardless of the temperature as well.

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