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that is nice. i want one! oh yeah, i know its supposed to be a microecosystem and everything is suppose to clean itself, but how about the issue of fresh water? are you supposed to change it or no?
Yeah, I'd like to know what maintenance is involved also. Is there a small submersible filter hidden somewhere to help with the water quality? With all of that humidity is it possible to keep the glass more clear for better viewing? Awesome set-up. Please post more photos in a month when the plants get established.
It is possible to get the glass more clear. These pictures were right after I sprayed down the entire tank. Humidity should be kept around 90 % so the glass will always be steamed up somewhat. As for the water, I did not yet install a mini-filter. I thought about but decided not to for the time being. I plan on weekly water changes using a gravel filter to keep the water levels healthy. I think this should be enough but I also can add the filter later on. If I did it would hide under the cork bark on the bottom in the middle. It already hides the pump for the waterfall! I expect relitively low matience but you never know what may arise.
man i remember when i kept frogs, they just wouldn't shut up during the night, and my parents were getting :evil: day by day, that was when i moved on to reptiles lol
i used to keep a pacman frog, and a chubby frog
haha yeah believe it or not thats one of the reasons I am going to get them. I grew up in the woods of South Jersey and fell asleep everynight to the sound of peepers, crickets and sacaida's. The auratus aren't as loud with calling as some other species so I put the Viv in my bedroom. I think it will be great and I'll fall right asleep! Nature's sleep aid at its finest!!1