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My argentine is only 18 in long, and I've had him since sept 11, 2012. Granted he has been hibernating since oct. But was averaging 1in growth per week. I am not exactly sure how old he was when i got him...but he had only faint faint remnants of greenish tinge on his head. I understand columbians are different and don't they stay smaller than argentines on average? I'm 'guessing ' niles may have been like 3 or 4 weeks when I got him, because of the lack of true green on head and his size combined. Did yours have any green on its head? I have read they lose it after 4 weeks i think(?)
I don't know if colombians get greens on their heads... but mine had no green what so ever, and I've had him since Feb-19-2013, so about 2.5 weeks now. I think he was 15 inches already when I got him and he hasn't grown any. I feed him fully of gutloaded crickets each day till he rejects them. But he is starting to shed yesterday.