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discouraged :/


New Member
so, i had ordered a columbian, that was supossed to be "friendly and tame" i talked to the guy on the phone today to arrange shipping. and he seemed to emphasize that HE could pick up and handle the tegu, and when we asked about how tame or friendly it is he avoided the question.
the tegu is 2.5 foot, i dont plan on getting something that large that isnt friendly.
so im asking for my money back. AND IM STILL LOOKING!! :( im almost to the point of just giving up. i've worked hard for this and i'm getting no where!


New Member
I'm srry to hear that wear do you live ?? And I would hope who ever sold you the tegu will give you ur money bak but I think that might of been the reason he was gettin rid of the gu how aggressive is he or she ?


New Member
everywhere i look no one has an argentine, and im tired of waiting for one, i have everything ready. so i want one now.

he's from a pet store and really it was a false advertisement, he never would say how aggresive, he avoided all my questo im going to ask for my money back. and i live in maysville kentucky, there arent any pet stores near here that have many exotic animals


New Member
It's better to be patient than end up with something you don't want.
As far as not being able to find anything...There's argentine tegus for sale all the time, what problems are you having?
I mean this add was only posted a few days ago: http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=264544
I'm sure in another week or two there will be more and more adds of single young ones being sold.


New Member
tora said:
It's better to be patient than end up with something you don't want.
As far as not being able to find anything...There's argentine tegus for sale all the time, what problems are you having?
I mean this add was only posted a few days ago: http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=264544
I'm sure in another week or two there will be more and more adds of single young ones being sold.

yes it is, but my problem is the price, i only have about $150-$160 to spend. another reason i'm wanting a columbian.
everyone i have talked to who has a tame one for sale has backed out and decided to keep them.

thank you for the link though, i'll message them


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5 Year Member
The ones Tora posted are your best bet. Even if someone has a "tame" colombian, he may not be tame once you set them up in your enclosure. Changes in environment can change the temperament of a reptile.


New Member
Billie I promise that you can tame down a columbian on your own. We've only had ours for two weeks and hes already coming to me when I open the cage and licking my hand.
His huffing and puffing has calmed down significantly in the passed 4 days and his feeding response is very calm.
We only handle him 4 times a week at least. Please don't be discouraged if you can't find a tame one in your price range. Just start with a young one and go in with confidence...and use gloves if you have to.


New Member
babyyitslove said:
Billie I promise that you can tame down a columbian on your own. We've only had ours for two weeks and hes already coming to me when I open the cage and licking my hand.
His huffing and puffing has calmed down significantly in the passed 4 days and his feeding response is very calm.
We only handle him 4 times a week at least. Please don't be discouraged if you can't find a tame one in your price range. Just start with a young one and go in with confidence...and use gloves if you have to.

see the one i already have (who will be yours soon:) ) i think is just a scared baby.
i would just like something a little bigger thats tame, but if i absolutely cant find one i plan on getting a young one:)


New Member
It's best to get a baby anyway. That way they are familiar with you, and you know their background. As stated above, any reptile can change attitude from owner to owner. Better it be a young one that you can fix easily than a big one that'll be a LOT more of a challenge. They grow fast, too, so it's not like you'll have an itty bitty thing for long anyway.


New Member
There's an ad on kingsnake for a 3 foot arg tegu. Didn't go into detail. But maybe he is tame $200 plus shipping.


New Member
tora said:
It's best to get a baby anyway. That way they are familiar with you, and you know their background. As stated above, any reptile can change attitude from owner to owner. Better it be a young one that you can fix easily than a big one that'll be a LOT more of a challenge. They grow fast, too, so it's not like you'll have an itty bitty thing for long anyway.

thats very true, i guess i'll just keep looking around until i find one right for me:)
i emailed the person about the baby argentines. waiting for a reply


New Member
Neeko said:
There's an ad on kingsnake for a 3 foot arg tegu. Didn't go into detail. But maybe he is tame $200 plus shipping.

That's already $40 more than their budget, and with shipping added it would probably be $300+ total. :(


New Member
oops sorry, It was 81 ups to ship over night and then i asked a guy i know at a pet store to ship the same package and he is fedex certified it was 33 dollars. I think they can send a label for the seller to ship too. I didnt see they only had 150ish to spend..


New Member
I was gunna say there is a baby red tegu dor sale near but it's for 270 and I would buy and sell it to and sell it to you but witt shipping and all that would be way past ur budgett :(


New Member
Keep looking...don't give up and just be patient. We got ours for free, just gas to drive about four hours away. The girl had rescued him from someone who got in over their head, and she already had one so didn't feel she could give him the time and attention he needed. Then, before we headed to pick him up, we checked craigslist for that area, and found a tarantula we wanted for ten bucks. Bonus!


New Member
check the areas around you via craiglist. Im not sure why they dont give results for surrounding areas but i'll click on any city with in 4 hours if there's something i really want.

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