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Mine never has for the last 3 years. He slows down a bit and doesn't eat nearly as much. I don't change much come winter i shorten the light time a bit but the natural cooling is enough for him. DaveDragon has more experiance with blues, but he also notice that they don't hibernate.
Yes, ours don't hibernate. We see them every few days but obviously we aren't there all day watching them, so they probably get up most days to bask a little. I reduce the light period from 12 hours to 8 hours. I offer food on the weekend IF we see them. Our Red does go down for 2 or 3 months.
If I understand correctly... Blue Tegus are the same species as Arg. Black and Whites... they are just a diffeent "color morph".
If this understanding is accurate, then their needs/care would be the same...
I'm very curious as to whether or not they are truly different color morphs of the same species... and if so whether or not they pass their blue coloration via mendelaian inheritance...
I think they are a variation, probably should be a sub species. They breed later, they hatch black & gold with no green head vs. the B&W's hatch black & white with green heads. Other than that I believe their care should be the same.