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dont know if this is something serious?


New Member
5 Year Member
ok so my tegu is settled in now, and i really feel that me and the tegu are already growing a bond, i think he is being able to trust me now. i posted pics and bobby said that the little guy looks healthy and everyone says ive been doing a great job. but heres the 1 issue im concerned with, as i said before, my tegu for some reason doesnt eat insects, and dave and a few others said it was fine, that they will outgrow them anyway, so as of right now, i am mixing him up with several meats, here they are . . .

Rodents 1-2 times a week
Chicken gizzards
Beef liver
Beef heart
ground turkey
scrambled/hard boiled eggs
and occasionally hell eat some fruit, berries

I think that is alright, correct? well the problem is i feed him these things, and he eats until he is about to explode! he gets soooo full. and then he doesnt want to eat again for 1-2 days, is this an inconsistant feeding pattern, is there something wrong, or does he just gorge himself and he isnt hungry afterwards, has this happened with anybody elses tegu on here? any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.



5 Year Member
Tegus will basically eat as much as you put on the plate, given that its a reasonable amount...they tend to eat so much that sometimes they do look like they will explode lol...my smaller tegu is doing the same, and shedding twice a week...tegus dont have problems with being overweight like some other reptiles can, so I honestly wouldnt worry about it...as long as hes eating and growing hes fine. Just feed him as much as he will take, offer it everyday.


New Member
5 Year Member
hey there,
So, its sounds like you are doing very well...my tegu is very picky when it comes to fruits/veggies and even insects...
what I do is when I give her ground turkey, i cut up some of the fruits and veggies that she won't eat on her own and put them, along with some calcium, in the middle of the turkey...make lil turkey balls...that is the only way my girl will eat her fruits and veggies lol...also, when i put in the ground turkey, i will throw in a handfull of superworms...she will eat them when its all mixed together...
and they do gorge! I'm pretty sure bobby said that when they are young, feed them as much as they will eat within like 15 mins or so (maybe half hour)
they are lil piggies lol...
take care and good luck!

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