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Dozer Constipated or impacted


Active Member
Hey everyone,

My Dozer is a Chacoan WhiteHead who is just over a year old. He has been struggling to pooped for several days, with only a little urine coming out (since I'm not with him 24/7 he may be peeing regularly). He is also not eating for the last 3 days (he's also started to shed again, which I thought was why he's not eating). He's walking around and still drinking a little bit, and we have tried warm baths, and massaging his belly, with no luck.

The closest Herp Vet to me that treats Tegus is an hour and a half away, and $200 just for the visit which I cannot afford.

Is there anything I can give him to help him poop? I have read other posts about using Mineral Oil.

I'm getting very worried about him, and it breaks my heart to see him not happy.

Please, and advice you can give me would be much appreciated.

He is in an 8'5"x4x4 enclosure with proper heat and humidity.


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Dan- What've you been feeding him?
Also, does he seem bothered?


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Apart from access to a warm soak, I don't know.

Difficult for sure but a run to the vet may be necessary.

This is a recurring problem I read about in this site. Several causes, sure, but I wonder if one cause more than others is responsible.


Ground turkey lightly dusted with calcium every day and 1 large mouse every other day. He struggles to poop several times a day. He's also starting to shed
Does he eat any fruit or vegetables? We had a problem when our female went to reptile boarding whilst we went on holiday and they must have just fed her bugs and rats (she normally eats fresh fruit and vegetables every day plus her usual turkey, fish, locusts and the odd chick or rat). She came back constipated and unable to go at all. I'd stick to small amounts of Turkey and lots of orange and fresh fruit. That should help him go. Orange seems to act as a bit of a laxative.

Hope that helps!

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Good News, We have Poop!
Dozer Pooped today, but just a very little bit.
Taking everyone's advice, I started soaking Dozer everyday for about 20 min in warm water, which he seemed to like. Also mixed turkey baby food with mineral oil and administered to him through a syringe in his mouth, which he did NOT like, plus took him outside each day for some direct sun.

He finally pooped tonight, but only the amount of the baby food mixture.
He is also in the beginning of a shed, and man he gets moody, refuses to eat for about a week or so before, at least the last 3 times. It's been about a week since he's eaten, even though I give him food everyday.

He is exceptionally pick when it comes to food, he still only eats ground turkey everyday (when he's not shedding), and a mouse every other day. I have tried many times to get him to eat fruit and veggies, even going as far as hiding them in the turkey balls, and he'll eat the turkey, and spit out the fruit.

I'm not sure how to get him to eat anything else.

On a side note, I am replacing his mulch bedding this week with an eco-earth mix (I put some in a small area of his enclosure and he lays on it all day), I also put a fan at on the cool side of his enclosure (in one of the Lighting cut outs blowing down), since temps here in Cleveland have been high the last week, and his room gets very warm and humid (97degrees with 90% humidity or higher).

now just have to wait the shed out, but still offering food each day. He stayed in his hide almost all day, which means he's getting ready.

Thank you to everyone for your help


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5 Year Member
Good News, We have Poop!
Dozer Pooped today, but just a very little bit.
Taking everyone's advice, I started soaking Dozer everyday for about 20 min in warm water, which he seemed to like. Also mixed turkey baby food with mineral oil and administered to him through a syringe in his mouth, which he did NOT like, plus took him outside each day for some direct sun.

He finally pooped tonight, but only the amount of the baby food mixture.
He is also in the beginning of a shed, and man he gets moody, refuses to eat for about a week or so before, at least the last 3 times. It's been about a week since he's eaten, even though I give him food everyday.

He is exceptionally pick when it comes to food, he still only eats ground turkey everyday (when he's not shedding), and a mouse every other day. I have tried many times to get him to eat fruit and veggies, even going as far as hiding them in the turkey balls, and he'll eat the turkey, and spit out the fruit.

I'm not sure how to get him to eat anything else.

On a side note, I am replacing his mulch bedding this week with an eco-earth mix (I put some in a small area of his enclosure and he lays on it all day), I also put a fan at on the cool side of his enclosure (in one of the Lighting cut outs blowing down), since temps here in Cleveland have been high the last week, and his room gets very warm and humid (97degrees with 90% humidity or higher).

now just have to wait the shed out, but still offering food each day. He stayed in his hide almost all day, which means he's getting ready.

Thank you to everyone for your help
That's good news. I never paid much attention to fasting during a shed.

Don't sweat the fruit issue. Mineral oil in the food should be a benefit in health.


Good News, We have Poop!
Dozer Pooped today, but just a very little bit.
Taking everyone's advice, I started soaking Dozer everyday for about 20 min in warm water, which he seemed to like. Also mixed turkey baby food with mineral oil and administered to him through a syringe in his mouth, which he did NOT like, plus took him outside each day for some direct sun.

He finally pooped tonight, but only the amount of the baby food mixture.
He is also in the beginning of a shed, and man he gets moody, refuses to eat for about a week or so before, at least the last 3 times. It's been about a week since he's eaten, even though I give him food everyday.

He is exceptionally pick when it comes to food, he still only eats ground turkey everyday (when he's not shedding), and a mouse every other day. I have tried many times to get him to eat fruit and veggies, even going as far as hiding them in the turkey balls, and he'll eat the turkey, and spit out the fruit.

I'm not sure how to get him to eat anything else.

On a side note, I am replacing his mulch bedding this week with an eco-earth mix (I put some in a small area of his enclosure and he lays on it all day), I also put a fan at on the cool side of his enclosure (in one of the Lighting cut outs blowing down), since temps here in Cleveland have been high the last week, and his room gets very warm and humid (97degrees with 90% humidity or higher).

now just have to wait the shed out, but still offering food each day. He stayed in his hide almost all day, which means he's getting ready.

Thank you to everyone for your help
Glad to hear he's doing ok! Olive doesn't fast before and during shed but she doesn't half get grumpy! Try and introduce some fresh orange as it's a pretty good natural laxative for them!

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Active Member
Thanks again guys,

Dozer was up early today and active, but he still kept doing the but wiggle like he was trying to poop... am I just being over worried? of all our reptiles, Dozer is my baby...

There are a few issues with his enclosure I'd like to fix, thing I wish I would have done differently, So I've been seriously considering building a completely new enclosure on the opposite side of his room. Some of these issues have to do with lighting and ventilation and would be too hard to fix with him living in the enclosure. That way I can make sure his environment isn't causing any issues. What do you think?


Active Member
Glad to hear he's doing ok! Olive doesn't fast before and during shed but she doesn't half get grumpy! Try and introduce some fresh orange as it's a pretty good natural laxative for them!

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Several people have suggested Oranges, but I have what may seen like a stupid question, but I'm assuming without the peel right?( Sorry i'm an Aspie, and sometimes require specific instructions on what most would find obvious :)


Several people have suggested Oranges, but I have what may seen like a stupid question, but I'm assuming without the peel right?( Sorry i'm an Aspie, and sometimes require specific instructions on what most would find obvious :)
Don't worry! Yes without the peel... I cut mine up into segments and just trim the peel off for her. If he doesn't eat the orange, try putting some of the juice into his food dish too. He might go for that instead. Olive eats fresh fruit and veggies most days mixed in with her other food but she will eat it on its own no problem. That's how I knew she hadn't been fed properly when I got her back from the reptile shop :(

The bum wiggle is normal, it sounds like he's still struggling a little. Introduce the orange and see how he goes. Olive usually has some very runny poop the following day! She doesn't get to have it often but if she's had some whole pray it helps.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk


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Don't worry! Yes without the peel... I cut mine up into segments and just trim the peel off for her. If he doesn't eat the orange, try putting some of the juice into his food dish too. He might go for that instead. Olive eats fresh fruit and veggies most days mixed in with her other food but she will eat it on its own no problem. That's how I knew she hadn't been fed properly when I got her back from the reptile shop :(

The bum wiggle is normal, it sounds like he's still struggling a little. Introduce the orange and see how he goes. Olive usually has some very runny poop the following day! She doesn't get to have it often but if she's had some whole pray it helps.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Good to know about orange/juice for constipation. Makes sense. Expect it to pass like sh$t through a goose.

I continue to wonder why constipation is an issue with tegus.


Active Member
Dozer got up late this afternoon, but I did notice he pooped again and after he was up for a while I offered him food and he ate :) for the first time in over a week:)

Monica Markel

New Member
Mr. Gu hates veggies or fruits. I keep trying but he tosses dirt all over it. So, I stuff his mice with fruits and veggies. Mind u its a few blueberries and peas... I also feed him Reptlinks. Or if you can make your own sausages with veggies in it.


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Mr. Gu hates veggies or fruits. I keep trying but he tosses dirt all over it. So, I stuff his mice with fruits and veggies. Mind u its a few blueberries and peas... I also feed him Reptlinks. Or if you can make your own sausages with veggies in it.
Really, I wouldn't sweat it. Make sure all parts of vertebrate prey are offered and dust with calcium.

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