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Eating only every 2 days, is that okay?

Rebecca Stout

Active Member
Hey, my girl went from eating every other day to now like, every other 2 days in the last 6-8 weeks (3 days a week, sometimes less). She just turned a year and a half. At least that I know of (age is not perfectly known). I want her to eat every day or every other day so she gets big! Lol. Cause shes not. Shes a perfect weight. But I mean growth wise I want her big. This is frustrating. It's also nerve wracking because I thought adults eat every other day? SHes not even an adult right? Shes like a sub adult? I don't know how that works in Tegu's.

I thought I've read where big adults eat every other day. Or at the very least 3x a week. Is her schedule okay? Also is it normal or not so much?

Lastly, she'd die before eating any fruit or vegetation. Ugh. I still offer it 1-2 times a week anyway. Used to offer it every other day, but I couldn't stand the waste. Should I just keep offering and hoping? Or does she need the variety so much that I should be dicing it up and adding it to mixed meats to get it down her?

Other than going to "bed" earlier (around noon rather than 3), I see no diff in behavior. As I said appearance is great unless you like em a bit chunky (which actually I do).


Active Member
She may just be a small girl. I've read that some breeders mate them at 1 year or slightly less. So I believe she could be an adult. Is it possible she's getting less hungry because she may be entering hibernation? and about the veggies I mix them with ground turkey and vitamins. Kinda like tricking a lit'l kid to eat broccoli with cheese:D

Derek Doel

My male is almost 2 yrs old and he eats every third day. When he does eat he eats alot and seems to have a ton more energy than when he would eat every other day.

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