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So yeah title :( bought my son a golden about 12'' long. Asked for male was not confirmed. Been gone since yesterday. Guess I'll list what the site says to.

55 gallon
Coco 3" deep moist not wet
Halve log hide under basking. He used to climb onto to get closer to light
100 watt red heat light
20watt black on cool side
Temp of cage was 80 in center hot side was hot cool side was cold. 80 was the middle point
Water dish very large
Food crickets worms cooked eggs.
No powder no uvb no special all on its way atm from Amazon.

Lid was 2 pieces of plywood cut to fit rim of tank with holes cut to house light.

Now I'm assuming my son left a space open and well the tegu Pablo. Cuz he from Columbia: ) escaped.

I have had a bp escape on me before and live n return after a very long time. But will a tegu?

I live in Alaska and my house atm has no heat other than ventless propane heaters which only heat the air. The python escaped when we had a furnace as in hot pipes.
Avg house temp varies where he left solid 70degrees some parts of my house sit at 55 down to 40 (basement,second story)
I have left 2 lights out his 100watt in the colder end and the 20watt black in the warm side of the house. Food n water.

Now I own 3 pit bulls caged for now but well can't live in their cages.

Chances of finding tegu slim I have destroyed my house looking in all spots he should be. Warm dark loose for burrowing . Nothing no sign what so ever.

So really the question is.. will it come back when it needs to like the snake did or will it sit and die?

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5 Year Member
He might go into hibernation somewhere, in which case he won't die and should become active when temperatures warm up.

I lost my gu for a few months in the summer and eventually found her by putting flour down on the floor. Turns out she was quite active and left lots of trails leading to her hiding spot! If Pablo stays active that might be a good way to find him/her.

The local herp society also had a couple people who's dogs were trained to sniff out lost lizards, so it might be worth checking out if that's an option for you.


Well-Known Member
Did any of his lights give off UVB and tegus are known escape artiest the top needs to be latched, locked, or heavily weighted down. His hot spot needs to be closer to 115 that's the surface temp not the ambient temp.

As far as finding him not sure, if it's cold out doubt he'll venture out. I'd check all dark locations and behind all washer dryers, dish washers, fridges, anything that moves. And has even a tiny space for him to feel secure.


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5 Year Member
Did any of his lights give off UVB and tegus are known escape artiest the top needs to be latched, locked, or heavily weighted down. His hot spot needs to be closer to 115 that's the surface temp not the ambient temp.

As far as finding him not sure, if it's cold out doubt he'll venture out. I'd check all dark locations and behind all washer dryers, dish washers, fridges, anything that moves. And has even a tiny space for him to feel secure.
I agree. Depending on where he hid, he may or may not be warm enough to move. You will have actively search. Unless slowed down by the cold itself, if given the opportunity, he’ll seek out a confining, snug, retreat.


Trust I have looked everywhere. Including going down into my crawl space looking for him even moving the dirt to see if he made it down there. It's just to big for something so small. And no uvb I honestly just listed that info for those who gonna ask about it.. when uvb doesn't prevent escapes :) all his proper lights n ceramic heat came today. Dunno gonna try the flour tonight 1 time but after that and no clues well.. :( but like I said I had a ball python get out before n be gone for like 3 months come back with a minor ri. I'm just worried cuz my dogs haven't found him yet.. which makes me think they might have already which is very sad. I'll keep ya guys posted. Got all this stuff now so probs buy another n just lock the cage when I'm not home to supervise the play time.

Oh and having a dog come over to search for it isn't an option but good idea n never knew that dogs could find reptiles.

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Well-Known Member
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5 Year Member
Colombian tegus are not known to hibernate .. I would also think he'd have the sence to find a dark warm spot... don't give up hope just yet mine has never gone for more than a couple of days when mine has found a stash place... I would also hope that your pits would just be interested in him and not bring him any harm with it being in your home .

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