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I'm wanting to get all 3 of the boys to the vet before (if) they go down. They've been outside a few times and all over inside the garage/storage room. The lady that lived here before me had outdoor cats that were in the same areas. I'm not overly worried but I'd like to get them checked for worms and stuff because they've been in the same areas as the cats were. I don't have dirty nasty gross floors or anything but I haven't exactly scrubbed the garage floor or the concrete in the storage room. I know some stuff, like parvo (dogs), can live for years in soil. The tegus haven't been directly on the grass yet, just patio and floors.

When I went to the reptile expo I saw an exotic vet that was there and he said since Gary and Rango are housed together I can just get one fecal for them because more than likely if one has something the other has picked it up. He said I'd save money and if I wanted I could bring a sample of each (enough for one test). It makes sense but would it be better to just do them separately?

Guru is slowing down a ton, hes eating every 3-4 days and hes only out for an hour or two before he goes back to his burrow. I want to get him checked sooner than later so I don't have to wake him up if he goes down early.


Agreed with Bubblz, I'm a vet tech, and the prices for fecal flotations are insane! not that much work nor are the supplies expensive that are used. but hey if the vet doesn't get paid, neither do I LOL. Just let them know when u bring the sample that it is a composite. If you do not tell them that, they may still require the other gu have its own fecal done. And remember no animal is actually "negative" without 3 negative tests ;o) different life cycles of different parasites, yada yada.

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