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Feeding mice type question


Well-Known Member
It’s a part of their biology like if they want to I wouldn’t keep waking them up. Delaying it can also delay sexual maturity. But if they never go down I don’t see a problem with it either. It’s like a big reset for their system. Like a big nap their body needs to fully function.


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
Prescott, AZ
Just found out all my emails (maybe 75%) are going into my spam file. So fun. So - sorry to respond late... Mich lady - I got both my black and whites from Rodney and they are awesome animals. So - your RoRo doesn't brumate much, and neither does Skully. He's just not that interested. I've reduced temps and lighting/heat, but he doesn't go down! He's lost weight - but looks good - so I give him salmon because he's a little spoiled. (I just don't know how that happened! lol) He'll eat the salmon, and maybe other meats, but not interested in mice/prey at all. He only eats maybe half of his normal diet, sometimes less.

Honestly, I'm a little worried that he's not getting the big nap that is so healthy for them....but I'm in between a rock and a hard place, trying to figure out the situation. Maybe a partial brumation is better than none? or....a partial brumation is harmful because they haven't reached that "stasis" (for lack of a better word) that's safe for them. I've tried to find info - but I'm always left short of what I need. And - the highly technical levels of information out there require a lot of study and time, only to realize you still don't have this one answer. If anyone has info about partial brumation where activity is reduced by over 50% but not a complete brumation, please let me know! Thanks

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