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For everyone who has a Jam x Whitey Baby hatched on June 29


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Cleo is being a giant butt. She refused two different pups today (thought it might be because of color--first one was white, second was black and white).

She walked over it. I dangled it, wiggled it. Nada.

Sooooo I cracked an egg and dipped the head in and down it went. I have NO IDEA what her problem is. Most she got was one soft boiled egg a week....

Also, anybody else have runny stools? How do I get fiber into her? She won't touch any fruit or veggies.


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5 Year Member
every since nero had the mice he eats small amounts of everything exept telapia eggs used to be his fav but now he will take telapia over eggs i dont give him telapia exept once or twice a week i dont want him getting picky i guess this is his way of slowing down lol but he is still putting on bulk his tail is a lil wider than my three finger havnt measured him since friday he came in at 33 1/2 -34 1/2 cant remember exactly lol


5 Year Member
Jango has gotten a little picky since I started giving him chicken livers. He still eats anything I give him, but he usually picks at it a little before eating it. He will eat mice and supers OK, but he will stuff himself with chicken livers.
His chicken liver poo is absolutely nasty tho... :roll:

He had a down day this week, he only came out to eat after much coaxing. He only ate one mouse and about a doz supers, then wanted out of his feed box. I let him put to roam around and he kept coming back to me and trying to climb inside my clothes. The next day, he trashed his cage, ate like a pig, and ran from me when I tried to put him back in his cage after his daily "walk about". If I ignored him, he would follow me wherever I was (I let him roam when I'm doing things in the basement) but if I stooped to pick him up, he'd scurry away, only to come back a few minutes later. I was kinda funny, like a toddler playing "chase me". When I finally caught him and put him back in his cage, he seemed a little bummed.


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I haven't tried chicken livers yet but gizard poo is nasty too. I wish I had a basement or some really large room for Bee to wander safely. That is very cool how he plays with you like that. Very cool!


5 Year Member
He has about 1100 sf of room to roam, but i try to keep him in an area that's about 800 sf. Sometimes he's in one of these (without the chillen' of course):

I got it at Toys r Us or Wally World for about 40.00, It's nice for outside and works great with torts. It's called a Superyard XT gate play yard.


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I finally found a supermarket location that sells chicken hearts... let me just say that *those* were a huge hit. Left a pile of those, some turkey, and some beef liver. Atilla ate ALL of the hearts, some of the turkey, and completely ignored the liver... guess I might have to start mixing that into the turkey if he keeps ignoring it.

Seems like on days that I work he gets bored waiting for his dinner and completely thrashes his cage, fills the water dish with substrate and jumps at the glass until I take him out. Once I take him out he has ZERO interest in food until I've let him explore and relax until his temperature drops, then if I place him back into his cage (with food) he'll eat like a pig. If instead of this routine I put him in his feeding bin he just walks all over the food and tries to get out. On weekends he'll eat anything (and everything) from the bin if I pull him out at about 11. I just wish he could adjust to my schedule more comfortably so he didn't get stuck learning bad habits like cage eating =/


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5 Year Member
Quijibo said:
and ran from me when I tried to put him back in his cage after his daily "walk about". If I ignored him, he would follow me wherever I was (I let him roam when I'm doing things in the basement) but if I stooped to pick him up, he'd scurry away, only to come back a few minutes later. I was kinda funny, like a toddler playing "chase me". When I finally caught him and put him back in his cage, he seemed a little bummed.
its funny cause nero does the same thing i have an empty bedroom thati keep him and a few other reptiles in so he is allowed to free roam in there nero will run from the baking site as soon as i enter the room most times its funny cause he'll only run a few inches then stretch out on the floor like he is tired lol and recently found out he will follow me around if i have a ft mouse i think hes been a lil pissed at me lately he barely lets me pick him up he never tail-whipped me or bit me but lately he has been sorta hissing when i touch him (really deep breathing)


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Quijibo said:
He has about 1100 sf of room to roam, but i try to keep him in an area that's about 800 sf. Sometimes he's in one of these (without the chillen' of course):

I got it at Toys r Us or Wally World for about 40.00, It's nice for outside and works great with torts. It's called a Superyard XT gate play yard.

he can't climb out of that?


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Along the lines of what Meg said, my gu doesn't have a solid stool unless it's from a rat, any other time it's a black runny pile and quite a pain to clean up. doesn't matter what he eats (except for fruits and veggies haven't tried that yet) but would something less "meatty" help that out. Normally i would be worried that his body is processing the food to quickly and not getting all the nutrients out of it but he's already 3' and has a tail the size of my wifes wrist.


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Its the lack of fiber that does it. Fiber serves no other purpose than to add bulk to your stool so that your intestines contract of a normal enough basis.

I'm not switching her over to mice, thanks for the suggestion though. I'd rather egg dip rats then have to feed multiple multiple mice in a few months.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
i am going to try small rats this week i just hope nero takes them hes been doing well on the mice but i know rats are much better than mice


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Switched Cleo to eco today. Pretty sure she hates it.

I had a gnat infestation, and the cyprus had to go. Figured I'd try eco. Annnd I didn't buy enough. I used THREE bricks, and there is alot less substrate than there used to be it was weirding the both of us out.

She used her log hide tonight--jammed the front of it FULL of eco earth, like packed it in behind her.

She's mad at me. :shock:


On a side note--what is that white spot at the tip of her nose? Its not a rub, its just that the black isn't there any more. It wasn't there a month ago---what does it mean?


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Attila didn't particularly enjoy the eco at first either... I made the same mistake and didn't prep enough. They have to actually work at digging up a burrow with the eco compared to the cypress, so it puts them off at first when the only thing they've ever known before was mulch. It took Attila a couple days of pitching a fit and hiding in a hide box before he figured out that digging was quite viable and he's been a happy camper ever since!

mis jaksin

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the best thing about the eco earth is the way tegus push it around with their front paws.. i'm not sure if every gu does this, but whenever i rearrange brutus' enclosure and rake the substrate, he goes in and pushes substrate around where he wants it. it's the cutest thing ever.


I too switched Urban AND my other tegu Isabella to eco earth a few days ago. I love it 29384 times more than cypruss mulch, i was having way to many problems with that stuff (humidity control, terrible smell after they deficate, and the fact that Isabella kept thinking the wood was mealworms so she would try to eat it.. just to name a few)...
Urban and Isabella both seem to like it too, Urban loves to burrow underneath his water dish, and every now and then ill find him in the very center of his cage under a little mound that slightly moves every time he breathes, too cute haha. but whats REALLY cute is when he comes out from being burrowed, hes got a big ole pile of eco earth right on the top of his head, he walked around his cage and basked yesterday with an eco earth mountain on his head for litterally about 3 hours, and durring that 3 hours, i didnt think once to grab my camera. sometimes i dont know what im thinking!!! :doh gahh!! I will get some more pictures of Urban and his enclosure in the morning and post them here. :woot


5 Year Member
Dvdh1 said:
Quijibo said:
He has about 1100 sf of room to roam, but i try to keep him in an area that's about 800 sf. Sometimes he's in one of these (without the chillen' of course):
I got it at Toys r Us or Wally World for about 40.00, It's nice for outside and works great with torts. It's called a Superyard XT gate play yard.

he can't climb out of that?

He hasn't yet. He walks around poking his nose at the holes for a few minutes when I first put him in it, like he's checking to see if he can get through them, then he alternates between basking, and crawling under/pushing around the blanket I put in with him. I've left him in it for hours and he has never even started to climb the sides. I'd never leave him in it outside unless I was out with him. I think once (if) he discovers he can climb out, I'll have to keep a closer eye on him. Hopefully, I got a big, dumb one. BTW, I measured him today and he's 37". Seems like he's holding steady at around an inch a week.


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5 Year Member
Quijibo said:
Dvdh1 said:
Quijibo said:
He has about 1100 sf of room to roam, but i try to keep him in an area that's about 800 sf. Sometimes he's in one of these (without the chillen' of course):
I got it at Toys r Us or Wally World for about 40.00, It's nice for outside and works great with torts. It's called a Superyard XT gate play yard.

he can't climb out of that?

He hasn't yet. He walks around poking his nose at the holes for a few minutes when I first put him in it, like he's checking to see if he can get through them, then he alternates between basking, and crawling under/pushing around the blanket I put in with him. I've left him in it for hours and he has never even started to climb the sides. I'd never leave him in it outside unless I was out with him. I think once (if) he discovers he can climb out, I'll have to keep a closer eye on him. Hopefully, I got a big, dumb one. BTW, I measured him today and he's 37". Seems like he's holding steady at around an inch a week.

Wow! He's huge. I'm not sure how big Bee is. I think about 33"-34". He's about to shed. Then he always gets a growth spurt after. I don't know what he weighs but he's getting heavy. I'm guessing about 1 1/2 - 2 lbs. Bee unfortunately is very smart. I have seen him stand up against a flat wall on his tail alone with his back feet about 5 inches off the ground and try to pogo up the wall. Lol! I don't think that will work with him, but that's a great idea


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Well, hopefully Cleo is just small because she is in fact, a lady.

Girl is trying to drive me insane. Had to egg dip another meal and even then, for about 5 minutes she just wanted to LICK it, instead of eat it.

I think she might be going back into shed---I'd put her at maybe 24 inches now. A WHOLE FOOT behind some of her brothers!

The goose---also, I let her roam in the bathroom today after tub time. I am slowly expanding how much freedom she has out of cage so it doesn't go to her head and turn her a bit wild. She did great today. No thrashing, running away or tail whipping.

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