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Free to good home, b&w argentine tegu, D.C. area


New Member
I don't know anything about shipping a reptile, so I'm asking for local pickup only.

Orrin is my b&w tegu ive had a little over half a year now, his exact age is unknown, gender unknown, I received him from LLLReptile.
Unfortunately Orrin's been very skiddish and defensive since I got him, ive tried everything everyone has recommended in taming him, but he's only gotten worse, and ive just reached a breaking point. I don't see myself as appropriate or capable as a tegu owner anymore and would like to find him a more capable home.

As far as I can tell, he's in very good healthy condition, walks fine, sheds fine, has a big appetite. His diet has mostly consisted of ground turkey, ground salmon with bones, tilapia and salmon fillets, pinky rats, whole quail, and a variety of fruit, with a calcium supplement in anything that needed it. He seems to favor grapes and blackberries for his fruit.

Be aware that he is not tame/friendly, he is very defensive-aggresive and has bitten. If I can't find a home soon, I'll be looking for a reptile shelter to surrender him to.

Orrin and any remaining food I have is free to a good home that already has supplies needed, and I'm asking $200 for his current enclosure(a converted very large dog crate), double and single lamps with heat and uvb bulbs, bag of forest floor substrate, 2 large reptile water dishes, a half-log hide, stand for lamps, feeding tongs, and a temperature gauge.

If interested, please send me a pm or email at: [email protected]


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New Member
Really need to find someone, the only reptile sanctuary in the area has this sentence on their surrender page, so I don't really feel I trust them.
"Sometimes the best option for sick, injured, or aggressive reptiles is humane euthanasia."
What the heck, how is euthanasia the best option for an aggressive reptile?


Active Member
Wow. I would find another option. That sounds like they would just put it down. Wish I lived closer. I would at least foster the poor thing until it found a great home. Unless I feel in love. Lol. Keep looking!

eric zukowski

New Member
Really need to find someone, the only reptile sanctuary in the area has this sentence on their surrender page, so I don't really feel I trust them.
"Sometimes the best option for sick, injured, or aggressive reptiles is humane euthanasia."
What the heck, how is euthanasia the best option for an aggressive reptile?
Very sick or very injured I understand but a healthy aggressive animal does not deserve to be put down. Hope you find a good home.

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