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A pet store is telling people that
1. Feeding frozen/thawed can give your reptiles worms and
2. Use of overhead heat lamps is unnecessary because they raise electricity bills and all you need is an undertank.
There is less risk from frozen of getting worms and parasites and like montana said it all depends were you get them. Live tends to have more problems from the big box stores because they are cramed togeather to tight spaces and shipped around alot, verse most good frozens feeders are frozen at the site and then shipped.
As for the over head it really depends on the speices. For tegus a under the tank heater will not get a basking spot near the 100 degree mark and will not provided the needed UVB. On the other hand things like Leos and banded geckos get no benifit from over heat heat lights but do great with just an under tank heater.
There is never a clear cut answer there is always a trade off.
In line with what is said above, the only way a prey item can pass worms (or parasites) to your Tegu is if the prey item has worms (or parasites). Buying from a respectable supplier is the solution to this...
Some species do better with bellie heat and some do better with overhead heat. To make a blanket statement that all reptiles do better with bellie heat is a bold display of ignorance.
By nature, Tegus seek sunshine to warm up, but then burrow down douring the heat od the day to cool off. Providing "bellie heat" (under tank heat) you teach your Tegu to burrow down to warm up. So if you wish for your Tegu to spend his whole day burrowed to stay warm all day, then to remain burrowed overnight to sleep, then remain burrowed all day to stay warm... then provide bellie heat!
Local pet shop people are great to talk to as they typically share our passion for our animals. But do not mistakenly believe just because they work in the industry means they know 'everything'... Also this mistake is very common. He took a point that is a true fact sometimes, and blanket applies it to everything.
Wow, thanks for all the replies! I've had an undertank and an overhead on my tegu and my boas for as long as I've had them, and they use both. I've never before heard that "blanket statement" that all reptiles need just undertank or side panel heat. I also had started feeding frozen/thawed to a rainbow boa after he got worms from live; then I go to this one pet store wanting frozen for my tegu, and they tell me that, no, that gives them worms. I thought that frozen was a little safer, as long as the source is reputable.
I appreciate the feedback!