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Future Tegu Owner


New Member
I'm Currently looking at getting a Tegu and my biggest conundrum is what breed would be the best for me.

I've done a lot of looking around I know that i would like to get a hatching. I've had numerous different reptiles before and I haven't had my own pet in awhile and I have a 4 year old little boy and a dog. I also live in Missouri so the temperature changes a lot here. I know some breeds get way bigger than others and I have read that Some tend to be more aggressive than others as well, ive also read that it really depends on handling I plan on more or less babying my future tegu.

So i guess does anyone have an recommendations also any useful links or resources would be appreciated i want to be 150% prepared when i make my purchase. Thanks for your time and thoughts.
My best advice. Research, research, research. I know care sheets give varying information, but look around enough and you will get a pretty good general idea.
A couple things. An argentine tegu needs an enclosure of 8 feet by 4 feet. That's big. The enclosure needs to be setup in a way that it maintains humidity and heat. The climate should be a non-factor. Argentine tegus are generally pretty docile with regular interaction, but there is never a guarantee when it comes to reptiles.

I'm much less familiar with the Columbians so hopefully someone else will chime in. They are significantly smaller and typically a bit more skittish initially.

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