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Gary got out.. How do I catch him?


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5 Year Member
Last night I took rango out and didn't see gary. I had hoped he was just burrowed for the night. Rango was out for about an hour and when I put him back I still didn't see gary.

This morning I went to look for him, hes an early riser, still couldn't find him in the enclosure. Their burrow area was all plugged up so I thought maybe hes sleeping in..

I went back inside and 20 min or so later went back out, I didn't see him anywhere but heard a noise that sounded like a plastic bag. I stopped and waited and saw him run by behind the enclosures. He was too quick for me to grab, so now hes behind the enclosures...

They are in the garage, no one has opened the garage, there is no way out besides the back door and garage door which no one has opened. He could get stuck behind the fridge. Whats the best way to lure him out or try to trap him?

I was surprised by how speedy he still was, apparently hes been out all night and it gets pretty chilly in there at night.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
You could try luring him out with his favorite foods, something he cant resist, also you can try leave a basking lamp on he will eventually want to bask and warm up, heat and food should hopefully do the trick


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Do I need to be worrid when I get him back? He was out all night and I'm hoping he didn't eat any slugs or spiders.. I have a light and turkey out for him. I'm patienetly waiting... I can't move the enclosures my myself. I've got a shoulder injury that prevents me from doing anything more than 10lbs. They're a few hundred each.


New Member
rhetoricx said:
Do I need to be worrid when I get him back? He was out all night and I'm hoping he didn't eat any slugs or spiders.. I have a light and turkey out for him. I'm patienetly waiting... I can't move the enclosures my myself. I've got a shoulder injury that prevents me from doing anything more than 10lbs. They're a few hundred each.

If you want some help, I'm free today, and I'm not afraid of big lizards :)

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
Besides what you have already done,.. its a waiting game unless someone can help you move a few things. Maybe try nuking the food in the microwave with something extra that he really likes and setting it down in front of a fan in his direction.


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I got him, he came out to bask and when he saw me he took off. He managed to wedge himself between a shelving thing and the wall. He was ice cold! :( I put him back in the enclosure but he just went immediately into their burrow. Hopefully he'll come out later on so I can give him a once over.
I'm not sure how he managed to get out of the enclosure. I put a few more barrel bolts around the doors just in case. The enclosures are stacked and the same length, which means that if he squeezed out one of the doors he dropped 4 ft to the cement ground. He didn't look like he had any mobility issues but I don't want to dig him out of his burrow.
Do I need to be concerned about him eating bugs or anything? We don't have any chemicals or anything like that in the garage. I feel like such a bad parent!


New Member
You`ll get him !

Good time to clean his enclosure ...
montana said:
You`ll get him !

Good time to clean his enclosure ...

Glad you got him I would guess he did try to eat some thing while on his romp .. Only you know whats in there that he could get into ...

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
:D Back inside where it's warm and toasty. I don't think there's much to worry about insect wise but it wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on him for a bit.


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Thats what I'm worried about, I try to keep it as clean as possible. I had hoped nothing like this would happen but you never know. The only things I could think of are just bugs, I'm always sweeping and making sure its clean in there. No screws, bolts or anything like that in areas they could get into.


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He's finally out and basking. I've left him alone today, figuring he would want to get warmed up and calmed down. It might have been scary or stressful spending the night alone in the garage. I looked at him some more and he seems fine, hes missing a toe nail though. The toe is fine, the nail is totally gone. Other than that he looks great.
I'll watch his behavior and BM's the next few days, hopefully hes gonna be fine.

He must have squeezed through one of the doors on the side, I had gone to check on him and he was pushing at it lol. Good thing I added more barrel bolts.

Thanks for the help all.


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Yeah, good thing for me lol. I'm thinking about removing the side doors (just plexi-glass) and replacing it with just a new piece of plywood. I never use them anyway.

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
:) Good thing you did,.. sounds like he's ready for another mission. Tegus are very smart and remember more than we know. They notice changes in their environment, remember how to get in, out of things, what's been added or taken away. Once they find a way in or out of something you have to fix it if you don't want them to use it or go back to it. Even then they'll still try for a while.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Bubblz i had to chuckle a bit at your last post, i learned that the hard way when my tegu escaped, she always remembered how to get into the attic, even after the door got bolted she managed to find other ways in, Alexi glad you found him id bet money he's planning his next big adventure lol


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5 Year Member
lol I'm sure he is. He's a little stinker.
Man, I told my dad and he was like "So when I left through the garage he could have gotten out?"
So happy he didn't bolt, he would have been gone. No way he'd survive with all the dogs in this neighborhood.

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