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Getting a tegu, please help!


New Member
Hi guys, new here! My name is olle and i'm from Sweden, i've had bearded dragons and water dragons for about 5 years now and i have loved every second of it. A couple of months ago a friend offered me a big terrarium that he didn't need anymore and i took it. It's a 8ft by 3ft terrarium, pretty big. I've always wanted a big lizard some day, and now i got a good size terrarium, got my own place and i got money. My dream has always been to have a tegu. The thing is that the only tegu lizard that's available here atm is the gold tegu, and i've read all sorts of bad stuff about it. Is it as aggressive as people say or do you have a good chance of taming it while it's young? I'm not looking for a "dogtame" lizard , just a calm lizard. There's a bit of a Tegu-boom here in Sweden right now, the black and white tegu is probably the most wanted reptile in Sweden.....

So if you have a golden tegu, please tell me about it :) Sorry if i misspelled a lot of words!

Best regards Olle


5 Year Member
You probably want to read up on the Colombian tegu subforum. From my reading that I've done there I've heard they can be pretty calm actually. As long as you handle them from a baby and take good care of keeping their trust I'm sure their temperament will be relatively calm. I wouldn't skip over the idea of getting one actually. If you really can't find any others, then go for it. If for some reason my b&w doesn't end up coming this year I'm going up to my reptile shop and getting one.

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