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Dear friends,

I want to discuss you about my tegu Gogon. He lost the 30 inch of the tail about 6 month ago, and until now I don't see any good regrow on it, eventhough the tip is healed well.

He is 8 years old, male, 98 cm, 5,7 kg after missing the tail.

Do you have any experience in the case like this?

many thanks, yuli


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Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
Welcome to the site :) nice tegu you have there. We talked about this on the other site a while back. There's no guarantee it will grow back but here's some helpful info for you.



When my one female decided that your cage mate was going to be a nice snack she took off half her tail and puked it the next day . Anyhow the tail regrew but not as long or pretty as the original tail. it took a bit for it to regrow. And actually you wont even notice that is growing because it just looks as if t he wound is healing .


got10 said:
When my one female decided that your cage mate was going to be a nice snack she took off half her tail and puked it the next day . Anyhow the tail regrew but not as long or pretty as the original tail. it took a bit for it to regrow. And actually you wont even notice that is growing because it just looks as if t he wound is healing .

thank you everyone, I appreciate the inputs. The tail problem began from retained shedding. I was very bussy last year and I don't really guide the keeper to do the caring of my reptiles...I hope the tail can regrow a little bit more, but if it can't it's ok,...doesn't really matter. Gogon used to join the Reptile competition and he has won many of them,..and this condition surely will stop his carrer...but I think it's not important for him, as long as we love him hehehehe. Is there any specific supplement I can try to give to him,...I give him the calsium from Zoo med and Omega 3 fish oil, and vitamin E sometimes..


Bubblz Calhoun said:
Welcome to the site :) nice tegu you have there. We talked about this on the other site a while back. There's no guarantee it will grow back but here's some helpful info for you.


thank you to your info, and yes it is very useful. I agree that there is no guarantee about the tail, also considering about the age of Gogon,..but who know with times it is getting better......what's the name of your tegu anyway?


New Member
Feel sorry to hear ur gogon's story...kinna sad that because of the missing tail, it career has stopped..
Ps: gogon has nice patterns..


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
It is hard to predict. I have an adult tegu that came to me as a 4yo with about 10-11cm of regrown tail. She had a serious infection and had to have about half her tail removed. It healed, and looks like your tegu's tail. However, it never added any length. She is 10yo this year and was 8yo when that happened. It could be age, the infection in her tail, or the location of the break that caused her tail not to regrow. The supplements you are giving are fine. Vit E can be stored in the body, so be careful not to give too much.


kamikaze said:
Feel sorry to hear ur gogon's story...kinna sad that because of the missing tail, it career has stopped..
Ps: gogon has nice patterns..

yes it is sad but mostly for the owner, not really for gogon. I think i just keep him healthy and happy the best that I could,........thank you for your kind words

laurarfl said:
It is hard to predict. I have an adult tegu that came to me as a 4yo with about 10-11cm of regrown tail. She had a serious infection and had to have about half her tail removed. It healed, and looks like your tegu's tail. However, it never added any length. She is 10yo this year and was 8yo when that happened. It could be age, the infection in her tail, or the location of the break that caused her tail not to regrow. The supplements you are giving are fine. Vit E can be stored in the body, so be careful not to give too mu ch.

thank you, I really appreciate your infos. I will be careful about his vitamin, and not to give too many vitamin E. Gogon eats basically the mixed between minced free range chicks with bones, boiled organic eggs, the beef liver, also the minced beef. On the top of them, we usually add chopped fruits like papaya, orange, and aples also the shreeded lettuce. Sometimes I give him the goldfish or crayfish for snacks. He eats every 4 days, and in between usually I offer him the snails or only fruit snacks. He gets the whole food like hamster and baby chicks sometimes, but with the ages I see him most interested with the mixed homemade food....Do you think
this is good enough for him?

And also I want to ask you as a moderator, I forgot to fill the Signatures coloumn when I registered,...and I want to put my reptiles names and photo on it,........is it still possible?

many thanks, yuli

dragonmetalhead said:
Gogon is an interesting name. Does it mean anything?

thank you....I saw him for the first time in the plastic container, and I am really surprised about his appearance,...I never know what he is, what kind of lizard he is...just decided to buy him without asking the price etc.. and I say...He looks like GODZILLA,....ha3x...I repeat again and again about it,...and finally I say GOGON,...we should call him Gogon..........


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
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