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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
Perhaps this is the confusion: T. teguixin is not sold as "Colombian black and white" any longer and are sold as "gold tegus" instead. When T. teguixin was first sold in the US, they were labeled Colombian tegus or Colombian b/w. Word of mouth got around that they were ill-tempered and poor choices to purchase. So the name was changed to just "black and white" or "gold" so that they could be sold and maybe even at a higher price. To add to the confusion, S. merianae are not referred to as Argentine black and white tegus around the world. So sticking with the scientific names will clear up any confusion.


Active Member
5 Year Member
So hes saying that they are different species? I'd like to see some documentation that they are not the same thing because that is news to me and everyone else.


New Member
Perhaps this is the confusion: T. teguixin is not sold as "Colombian black and white" any longer and are sold as "gold tegus" instead. When T. teguixin was first sold in the US, they were labeled Colombian tegus or Colombian b/w. Word of mouth got around that they were ill-tempered and poor choices to purchase. So the name was changed to just "black and white" or "gold" so that they could be sold and maybe even at a higher price. To add to the confusion, S. merianae are not referred to as Argentine black and white tegus around the world. So sticking with the scientific names will clear up any confusion.

Yeah that I can understand..
But on Facebook there's a tegu eu group and they posted a Columbian b&w that is black and white.
The same as merianae from what I can see.
Then they posted a Columbian golden and this was black with gold/yellow !.
So I asked the same question and was told the golden is also called b&g or golden . .and this is from other american owner's and the b&w and g&b don't look the same at all.
This is the problem with being told they are both the same species!.
I've also seen British owner's posting goldens and again they are b&g no white and still don't look at all like the Columbian b&w!!


New Member
So hes saying that they are different species? I'd like to see some documentation that they are not the same thing because that is news to me and everyone else.

I found this!!

Higher Taxa Teiidae, Sauria (lizards)
Subspecies Tupinambis teguixin sebastiani MÜLLER 1968
Tupinambis teguixin Teguixin (LINNAEUS 1758)
Common Names E: Black Tegu, Golden Tegu
G: Schw.-Weiss oder Bänderteju
Synonym Lacerta Teguixin LINNAEUS 1758: 208
Seps marmoratus LAURENTI 1768: 59
Laacerta tupinambis LACÉPÈDE 1788
Lacerta monitor — SHAW & NODDER 1790: plate 21
Lacerta monitor LATREILLE 1801a: 220
Tupinambis monitor DAUDIN 1802a: 20
Monitor meriani BLAINVILLE 1816
Monitor (Tutor) americanus GOLDFUSS 1820: 168
Teius monitor — WIED 1824
Tupinambis nigropunctatus SPIX 1825: 18
Monitor teguixin FITZINGER 1826
Podinema teguixin WAGLER 1830
Lacerta Teguixin — CUVIER 1831: 113
Teius teguixin - GRAY 1838: 276
Salvator nigropunctatus - DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1839: 90
Teius nigropunctatus - GRAY 1845: 16
Teius teguexim - BATES 1864: 233
Tejus teguexin [sic] — DOLLO 1884: 68
Tejus tequexin [sic] — COPE 1885: 189
Tupinambis teguixin — BOULENGER 1885: 335
Tupinambis nigropunctatus — BOULENGER 1885: 337
Tupinambis tegnixin [sic] - MÜLLER 1912: 24
Tupinambis teguixin — PETERS et al. 1970: 272
Tupinambis teguixin nigropunctatus - MÜLLER 1971: 24
Tupinambis teguixin - PRESCH 1973: 741 (part?)
Tupinambis nigropunctatus — HOOGMOED & LESCURE 1975
Tupinambis teguixin — DUELLMAN 1978: 223
Tupinambis teguixin - CEI 1993
Tupinambis teguixin — DIRKSEN & DE LA RIVA 1999
Tupinambis teguixin — MCNISH 2011
Tupinambis teguixin — HARVEY et al. 2012

Does this help?


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
the black tegu, the black and white tegu are the same....and the black and gold tegu is the same, and the gold tegu is the same. ahhh...the confusion of common names.


New Member
So hes saying that they are different species? I'd like to see some documentation that they are not the same thing because that is news to me and everyone else.

You were right and it was the fact that other's do not realise the Columbian has two forms .. Like the P.subfusca tarantula has a light phase and a dark phase .
So over here the golden is known and the b&w are known because of Argentine .
But I was informed by tegu owner's in america that the golden was only one!..
Not that there were two colour phases!.
My apologies :)


New Member
No apology necessary :) I think we were just a bit confused about what you were saying and trying to help.

Oh yeah I see that it was that I saw a golden ( black and gold ) tegu and was reading that they were small and could be made tame and go in a 4x2x2 viv and thought I'd get more information before I decided to get one.
But then it got confusing when I kept being told it was a b&w and this got alarm Bell's going as I thought how can this be!..
Then I joined other tegu forum's and started getting mixed info again!..
So this is why I used everything to find why it was a b&w as well as a b&g.


New Member

I've been looking at the golden tegu's and was wondering what max sizes they get to and what's the tipical temperament of them.

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New Member​
First I'm from Pittsburgh. So a black and gold tegu was a given I knew the challenges but had previously rescued am adult male iguana that was being kept In a closet only fed canned corn. So he was pissed at everything a d everyone;however, I immediately learned to respect large lizards. Know their weapons: Talon like claws, significant bite (larger the animal they can remove fingers), and lastly and dont overlook it but the tail whip. This why the younger you can begin domestication the better. As they are older the tail is going to be a solid bone whip that moves at approximately 100mph that's drawing blood. So like has been said initial handling requires gloves. Real gloves leather work gloves are good if you have the money or are alittle extra cautious get Kevlar gloves off Amazon. These will be the same gloves used by eagle and falconers as well as for snake handling and dog handling. They are thick and bulky and don't benefit your bond with tegu really but they are for building your confidence. I like to have a towel ready to wrap around the hind legs and also tail. This may also serve as pleasant absorber bc your tegu may musk (empty its waste) on you out of fear. In these initial interactions keep them breif and as many have said talk in your normal voice to the tegu. Buying a clicker trainer is also good I've found with tegus kind of serves the same purpose as tapping the food dish but doesn't make them only respond to their food dish. I have a golden and blue clicker trained up to 5 clicks. Each amount orresponds to a different command for example 3 clicks calls them to me. People have made mention they can possess a 30+ word vocabulary. This is true but really emphasize the key words you want to get a response from. Obviously their name, NO, etc. Don't give up on the Tiger Lizard if you got q golden tegu and were kind of kied to by a vendor I understand and truthfully you may not have the experience and skill level for this specific animal yet. If you did know they're difficult amd wanted the challenge don't punk out they're very rewarding I believe theyre the smartest of them and they don't get as fat and lazy as their Argentine cousins lol. I appreciate you all on these forums for all help given and received amd wish to become more active here. Feel free to message any specific questions and I'll do my best to help.
Thanks Ian

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