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Got my Tegu


Hi everyone, I just got my juvenile B&W tegu yesterday after a whole ordeal with shipping-- took two days. When I took him out, he was moving and seemed perfectly happy (definitely made me very happy too). In fact, he started to climb all over me, such a fantastic experience. Furthermore, he burrowed right away and hasn't come out since yesterday.

I do have a few questions. I know people have different methods but I would like to feed him soon; he could be starving. Should I offer him some eggs, ground turkey, and maybe a fruit tonight? I can make all that easily. Additionally, is it fine he burrowed right away? I'm worried he hibernated but the temperature couldn't have dip below 65 degrees (I read that they will hibernate at this temperature), especially in the box. I checked on him and he appears to be breathing under there (got a bit worried). I took a read of the temperature and basking area is 102 and ambient temp is 85 to 90 degrees outside of it. I think those temperatures are fine right? Sorry about all the questions and I'm so appreciative of any answers. I'm very excited about the little guy.


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5 Year Member
He's fine, you can offer food he may or may not eat it is a common saying that "a healthy tegu will not starve itself."


Ok so I wanted to update you all. I got the temp at the basking spot up to about 110. I've heard this is optimal. Furthermore, he seems to be eating but not a lot. I'm putting about two spoonfuls of Ground Turkey with some egg on the cool side. He seems to eat a bit and leave the bottom layer. He definitely comes by bc I put it in a plastic dish and it's always filled with substrate (it has walls too!). I just haven't seen him poop or seen any poop thus far. I'm struggling with the humidity since its around 67% at night but goes down low when the lights get turned on. I noticed skin in the water dish which I guess is a good sign. Also, I can definitely see where he moves around and his burrows are pretty apparent. He seems very active in the afternoon but I don't see him (I have a 9-5 job). I'll be setting up a video camera to watch him live so I can get a good idea of his habits. It's coming today!
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5 Year Member
Ok so I wanted to update you all. I got the temp at the basking spot up to about 110. I've heard this is optimal. Furthermore, he seems to be eating but not a lot. I'm putting about two spoonfuls of Ground Turkey with some egg on the cool side. He seems to eat a bit and leave the bottom layer. He definitely comes by bc I put it in a plastic dish and it's always filled with substrate (it has walls too!). I just haven't seen him poop or seen any poop thus far. I'm struggling with the humidity since its around 67% at night but goes down low when the lights get turned on. I noticed skin in the water dish which I guess is a good sign. Also, I can definitely see where he moves around and his burrows are pretty apparent. He seems very active in the afternoon but I don't see him (I have a 9-5 job). I'll be setting up a video camera to watch him live so I can get a good idea of his habits. It's coming today!
110-115 F good. Sounds normal to me. Perhaps slowing down for the winter. Typical even in summer to not be out a lot. Mine are intensely busy in mdi morning. after basking. Out a few hours then gone til the next day. Eager to hear what you get from the Wildlife cam.


Ok got the wild life cam setup. He definitely starts his walk around at 12 pm. He is shedding too and looks pretty done now. Most of all, he's huge somehow he grew a good 6" in a week. He's in a 40 gallon but I got a length wise shot of him. He's at least two thirds, with his tail, of the enclosure. He is trying to figure out ways to get out. I'm definitely going to move him out then. That's awesome to see he's grown a lot.


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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Ok got the wild life cam setup. He definitely starts his walk around at 12 pm. He is shedding too and looks pretty done now. Most of all, he's huge somehow he grew a good 6" in a week. He's in a 40 gallon but I got a length wise shot of him. He's at least two thirds, with his tail, of the enclosure. He is trying to figure out ways to get out. I'm definitely going to move him out then. That's awesome to see he's grown a lot.

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