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ground turkey


New Member
5 Year Member
I make my own tegu food on off days. Depending on what I have available I have a few recipes that I have made especially for them and my tegus enjoy them. You must keep in mind that in my house we do not eat anything that wasn't hand raised or completely farmed like it was in the beginning. Only organics at our house. I'll look for the others but here's one.

4 ounces of 7% fat Extra Lean Sirloin Ground (150cal/8g fat/22g protein)
2 soft boiled eggs
1/2 mango diced to 1/4"
2 ounces of mashed russel potato (this does not mean quick spuds or any of that BS it means Mashed Potato)
1/2 banana diced to 1/4"

I mix it all by hand and serve it once or twice a week. You would be very surprised at how it smells and if you want to on the side

you don't boil the eggs, skip the mango, and add some home made bread crumbles... Add some Minced garlic, 1 tsp of brown sugar, crushed black pepper, and sea salt, throw it in the oven and you've got the best meatloaf in town. Yes the banana stays in, it's different, but the outcome comes out nicely, just make sure you adjust the ingredients to a people size and up the meat.

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