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Growth Worries ????


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5 Year Member
i got an argentine B&W tegu from bobby about 5 weeks ago.

when i got him he was approximately 11 inches long. 5 weeks later he is pushing 15 inches. :bang others posted from this season are already pushing 20 inch tegus. I asked for a boy and i think i got hosed with a female. :doh

Am i right or is this a normal growth?? Is it still a boy????


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5 Year Member
I dont think thats a bad rate of growth, almost an inch a week?, I think even Bobby himself stated that they all have different growth patterns, I would just make sure your heating, lighting, diet and enclsoure are all they way there supposed to be and just let nature take its course, your jobs to make it nice and healthy and give him enough room to grow, soon enough youll have a nice big gu before you know it..
As far as it being a male or female.. Only Bobbys that good at this age..lol



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all tegus grow at different rates and to different sizes just like humans... just cause its a boy dont mean its gona be bigger then every female tegu... he might only grow very slow then out of nowhere grow 2 inches a week for a few weeks.... my red was tiny i mean tiny to the point i was scared to house him with my female when i first got him.... he was 3 weeks old just like my black and white female was and he was only maybe 8 or 9 inches.... he is now 13 and my black and white female is 17.... i think in another month there gona be close to same size.... also your tegu might be slowing down for hibernation and not eating as much.... my black and white is only eating every 3 to 4 days and shes only out 4 or 5 hrs a day now where she use to be out 10 to 12 it seemed.... good luck and like said above just make sure u do everything u can for your tegu and let the rest happen on its own....


5 Year Member
tracyanderson777 said:
i got an argentine B&W tegu from bobby about 5 weeks ago.

when i got him he was approximately 11 inches long. 5 weeks later he is pushing 15 inches. :bang others posted from this season are already pushing 20 inch tegus. I asked for a boy and i think i got hosed with a female. :doh

Am i right or is this a normal growth?? Is it still a boy????

Bobby is well known for being able to sex tegus at a young age, but I believe there is the possibility when they are very, very young for an error to ocurr.

To say you got "hosed" is absolutely and unequivocally absurd. Bobby is a stand up guy who cares about his animals and his customers. I can pick up my phone and call him any time I want to and if I have to leave a message, I have always gotten a return call.

As others have mentioned, there are so many factors that affect growth rate, no one can say for certain why some grow faster than others. With that said, give your tegu everything it needs to live a healthy, happy life, regardless of how big it gets.

Being a great pet owner should be our primary goal, love your pet all you can, and as long as its healthy, who cares how big it gets or how fast it grows.



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What they said.. You can't tell male from female by rate of growth. Both sexes grow in spurts but the average seems to come out to ~1inch per week that they're active. At 15 inches you're jumping the gun guessing the sex. You're just going to have to wait till next summer when he's got more size on to be certain. When I first felt buttons on my boy I had him over a year and frankly wouldn't love him any less if he was a she :-D

Two Bananas Marinade

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I got my Tegu Blender from Bobby on july14 this year. he is only 15 1/2 to 16 inches and has shed 2X(only). I think this is small. I went out and got a tegu stretcher and now he is 37" long. Ahhhh the perfect tegu. Have you ever seen a three foot tegu that weighs 9 oz? Me neither. I ordered a male from Bobby but I know sexing isnt perfect at this age and I will be totally stoked if I rename blender to Blenderette. I mean Bobby could have sent you one of those fancy gold tegus. Be happy it is great to be a tegu owner.


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mikecrowder23 said:
I hear ya bananas it sounds like some kid that needs to appreciate what he has.

ya u guys r right hosed was an overstatement its a great tegu either way it is dog tame im not gonna lie im amazed and no im not trying to offend bobby on that he is a great guy i wouldnt do that but thanx a lot people.


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5 Year Member
my tegu is only about 15 -16 inches, dont sweat it. and i think those 20 inch tegus your thinking of may be extreme, giant babies, so, dont worry


5 Year Member
Jango was hatched around the end of June and he (?) is just over 25" today. Some weeks he grows an inch, some he grows 2+. He's still dog-tame, and still eating like a pig. I keep him warm and feed him as much as he'll eat. Like others have said, I asked for a male, but as beautiful as he (?) is, I really don't care. He's fat, happy, healthy and growing, That's all I care about.
*On a side note: every reptile I've ever had grew faster than "normal", some freakishly fast. I must have a scaly green thumb. I've done real well rehabing sick, injured or malnourished herps also.

I think I got "hosed" though, I didn't plan on making his big indoor cage this soon. At the rate he's growing, I'm going to have to start folding him in half to put him back into his 75 gal tank before I get 'er done! :lol:

Thanks Bobby, for a great 'Gu. :cheers


5 Year Member
I've noticed another thing most peculiar. His SVL and OL growth rates aren't proportional. Sometimes, he grows more body, other times it's more tail.

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