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Hairless Rodents?

Draco D Tegu

New Member
Ok given Gator's recent impaction problem, I've been toying with the idea of feeding hairless rodents to him. Well, to all my reptiles actually now.

Anyone had any experience with this?

My thinking, less hair, less risk of impaction.

I went and got a juvenille breeder trio of one oddball, and two dumbo hairless. I also have a female albino (haired) in with them, simply because my snake refused to eat her. Three times trying, she earned a pardon.

I WOULD wind up with a refugee from the feeder bin.

Anyway....just wondering, since I'll probably wind up with more babies than I can use, are there some keepers out there that will feed them or have fed them? IE will I be able to sell my unused/needed babies?


5 Year Member
Hah...just finished posting in your other thread...this idea came to mind after I sent it...

It seems like a decent alternative to regular mice, but who's to say it'll work for sure? Only one way to find out, I suppose...

As far as extras go...the freezer is GREAT and they can last quite a while if you package them properly.


i agree with slideaboot. if you package meat(mice) right away and try your best to get all the air out it it will last quite a while in the freezer.


New Member
If this is a diet plan for your tegu's alone i would say it is a pretty decent idea and is worth looking into,

as for snakes if you plan on doing this it is rather pointless,hairless or not they can digest just fine.

Check out this thread where someone had a question well worry about the possibility of hair impaction with there snake,
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://ball-pythons.net/forums/showthread.php?137324-Shaving-mouse" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://ball-pythons.net/forums/showthre ... ving-mouse</a><!-- m -->

Draco D Tegu

New Member
Thank you. I was planning this for my Tegu and my Sav, but since I'll have extras it'll work as well for my BP's.

LOL yeah Slidaboot, I saw your reply. I'm a sucker, but I'm thinking well, why not, the hairless were just as expensive as a live and frozen feeder at petco (5 bucks each gets pretty expensive).

I do NOT plan on switching my tegu to a rodent only diet. I'm simply eliminating a source of possible impaction if I DO feed him.

TheKid, thank you for the link. I think in that one, the OP was confused about reading the impaction issue for lizards and translating it into a snake issue. Nice thread, although I found some of the responses internetesque (aka rude) LOL. Rest assured, the snakes would be getting my extras.

I guess I'm gonna go invest in a vaccuum seal kit LOL.


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I've been using f/t hairless mice for my Tegu for a couple of years now. I really really like the idea...

My Tegu has only had a couple furry rodents in his life but has had literally hundreds of hairless mice. He eats them very eagerly one or two meals per week... he also eats whole chicks (with veathers) one or two meals per week... and still eats his ground Turkey, beef liver, gizards, etc, etc...

Draco D Tegu

New Member
Well, I'm gonna play scientist and monitor his output and intake vs. weight. Wish I had a control animal/cohort to compare him to.

But.....make due with what I got!

Draco D Tegu

New Member
Eh if I can stick my arm up a mare's patoot to palpate it, give a tegu an enema and work in a parvo ward, a little gu poo isn't gonna kill me to weigh

:-D :lol: :bolt


How can you tell the mouse poo from the turkey ???

I know they kinda come out in a bundle but still ..

Draco D Tegu

New Member
LOL that would be when I monitor how long it takes him to..........gugo.

Actually....that's a good point, but it WOULD show how quickly he's processing his food.

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