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heading to El Paso,TX. ....


New Member
Noah's Ark on Dyer. The other ones are garbage lol.
They have some neat animals. They have a young croc moniter in there, it's practically emaciated though. But don't let it get to you, it's not their fault. It was dropped off by someone. It hasn't been there for too long but it's looking better.
They have some beaded lizards too and the patterns and colors are SOOO pretty!

It's pretty much the only exotics store here in EP. The other one is a hole in the wall to say the best. They hardly have any room and keep the few animals they have so cramped. I've only been there once and don't plan on going back.

Any reason for the visit?


New Member
Ah, we took our son to an appt in cruces and decided to try our luck in El Paso. We passed Noah's and called... they said their stock was pretty low. We stopped at the hole in the wall down the street from there, and they had SOME stuff, but you're right, it was ghetto. We called all of the other listings and only Saltwater fish at most and the others were closed until later. The ghetto place was just that... really ghetto. But their animals were healthy, so I was surprised and releived.


New Member
Yeah, they only have 2 baby tegus or so. But the rest of the shop is just exploding with critters. :)
They have some baby savs and they are toooo cute!
Good to hear that the animals at that other place were okay, only thing I remember was it being hot and having sick kittens in a little cage, and two HUGE obese snakes locked up in something 2x too small for one snake of that size.


New Member
Petland had at LEAST 16 reptile enclosures, and only 5 were occupied. A few beardies, two corn snakes and an emperor scorpion. I was pretty disappointed. And their prices on supplies were crazy high.


New Member
babyyitslove said:
Petland had at LEAST 16 reptile enclosures, and only 5 were occupied. A few beardies, two corn snakes and an emperor scorpion. I was pretty disappointed. And their prices on supplies were crazy high.

I don't like that place much either, haha. I didn't even go in there long enough to see that they had more than puppies and birds.

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