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Help a guy out!


New Member
5 Year Member
Hello everyone, I just joined the forum, I have wanted a Tegu for a while now and have done all sorts of research and all that good stuff, and I realize the size of and the time it takes to care for a tegu, the only problem is talking my wife into it.... If you guys could help me out some how... testomonials anything, its not the lizard thing that really freaks her out, we have a leapord and panther gecko.. I think shes scared its gonna attack the baby... help me!! :fc


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5 Year Member
1st I can say that this is a great site to find all the info you need, your best bet it not to try and convince her, just "teach" her about Tegu's, this animal will speak for itself.
They become some of the TAMEST reptiles on the market, I think getting a hatchling would alow you both to take on the process and have her become more comfortable and interested in the tegu, besides the tegu is going to be a product of your time and effort, so you get what you put into it together.

With any and all reptiles they should always be well monitored when being handled, and if its free roaming it should be in a tegu proof area, which should cover it being nowhere near a baby., your tegu should always be close to you and properly locked in an well built/ maintained enclosure.


New Member
5 Year Member
Have you shown her some of the videos that several members have posted on YouTube? Some of the videos show how dog-tame the Tegus can be, and some even show the Tegus will seek your attention. Maybe that would convince her?

Good luck! They really are great lizards!


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5 Year Member
I had the same problem with my mom. It took me months to really convince her. I found she was mostly intimidated by the size of the adults because they do get big. Something that might help (and correct me if im wrong) I dont think there has ever been a case of an adult tegu biting someone where I have defiantly seen bites from adult monitors. Sometimes getting her to like the small guys will help you.


5 Year Member
Put the brat in a room and take your tegu out and enjoy! Simple as that. :yik :grno



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5 Year Member
Hey! It could be a lot of things. First is she afraid of them? You might want to figure out why she doesn't want you to have one if you haven't already. Once you know that start giving her some known facts about tegus like how they are friendly, have cat-like qualities, easy to take care of, and lots of fun. You are basically asking for a small dog or cat, but instead of letting them roam free they are enclosed. They really are fascinating creatures and I think if you show her that than maybe she will be more understanding. If don't you could always bribe her! ;)


5 Year Member
Take her motorcycle shopping.

Or, show her this video:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.siscoreptiles.com/tegu-attention.php" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.siscoreptiles.com/tegu-attention.php</a><!-- m -->

Looks like a guy in a box full of mutant puppies!

Two Bananas Marinade

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5 Year Member
wear her down. She will get tired of hearing about tegus and get mad and say fine just do what you want to do.........Then BAM you immediately order it in full(tell her no refunds) It worked for me. hahahahahahahahaa


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5 Year Member
Oh dude show her some of the youtbe vids and some pictures of hatchlings the hatchlings are gorgeous. and the vids prove how tame and calm these things can be.

good luck


New Member
5 Year Member
i couldnt get one to start with so i got one without my mom knowing and told her i had a surpise in my room lol then she found out and couldnt do anything about it lol


New Member
5 Year Member
Ha, thanks for the suggestions everyone, I think she's probably gonna give in, she knows they are tame and everything, now its the fact that its another lizard in the house and something else we're responsible for


5 Year Member
xRyudo, your wife has concerns, ask her what specific concerns she has and if you are able to satisfy those concerns she will most likely approve of the purchase of a new tegu.

My .02 is, keep the child away from the tegu for quite some time, unless you allow the child to look but not touch. Kids are nortorious for being rough and tumble, most family type dogs seem to put up with it, but don't believe for a second a 4' tegu is going to let anyone pull its tail!

Best of luck and please report back.

BTW, they are not as expensive to keep as you think.


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