I understand a caiman lizard is different from a tegu but there is
More research on there cousins so I have a questions what could a caiman liZard blowing snot bubbles and looking up mean what would it mean in a tegu could not
Mean to hot
Of a basking spot
So he's over drinking or would it be a upper teapot pet infection ? He's siting with a 120-130 basking spot 75-80 ambient and unify 50 -80
More research on there cousins so I have a questions what could a caiman liZard blowing snot bubbles and looking up mean what would it mean in a tegu could not
Mean to hot
Of a basking spot
So he's over drinking or would it be a upper teapot pet infection ? He's siting with a 120-130 basking spot 75-80 ambient and unify 50 -80