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HELP! Juv red tegu not eating!

Jordan U

New Member
Hey there, so I am a reptile enthusiast, a reptile staff member at a pet store, work at an exotic vet clinic but not one has answers for me!
I have a adult female red who just woke up from hibernation and is eating like a pig, she is a rescue, her hibernation was off and on. I've kept her for almost 2 years now and picked up a baby red 3 months ago. He was. Alert active and the best looking in the clutch and he was eating for approx 2 1-2 months. It's been 12 days since he last ate and I'm getting worried. He was in a 20 gal with 5.0 UVB and a 100 w basking light because ambient in my reptile room is usually 76/26 degrees. He ate everything I would offer, fruit and various live feed. I got I'm to 109.47 grams and put him in a thirty. He has not ate since and i don't know what's going on. He has about 60 percent humidity and he never basks anymore, what should I do??

Jordan U

New Member
I don't have a digital thermometer but I use the Exo Terra's. I have a basking of 95, ambient 78. He has been in the 30 for 2 weeks now


Active Member
5 Year Member
You need a temp gun to measure the basking temperature. Basking means surface. not air. anything other than a temp gun ONLY measures air temp. Your basking surface temp should be towards 120f degrees. warm side ambient low to mid 90s and cool side ambient low to mid 80s. The tough part is a 30 gallon tank is much too small to provide a proper temp gradient. A 4x2 is recommended for babies for that reason. He may still be getting used to the enclosure and is too cold to have a vigorous appetite. Try putting paper on the sides of the tank to make it feel more secure and up your temps, or better, get a bigger enclosure to accommodate for the higher temps.

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