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New Member
I'm not sure if this is even the right website I should post on, because I'm not sure if there is a Monitor specific one. I just need help. I'm pet sitting a Savannah Monitor for my friend, because he's going to Alaska for 3 months and needed someone to watch his dog and Savannah monitor. If I hadn't say yes he would've had to rehome him and I would've felt really bad. Considering I've never owned a reptile before it was probably a bad idea to say yes, but my friend has been helping me out until he actually leaves. I'm doing all I possibly can, and know he's not in a proper enclosure, but he doesn't seem to mind about that, he likes to occasionally climb on the sides of it. I'm curious because he was never like this previously, he just started becoming more aggressive. He doesn't act this way towards my friend, I'm convinced he doesn't like me. He eats just fine, he has a hiding spot, and a basking spot. I typically feed him fish pieces, or my friend was shooting muskrats, birds and ducklings and feeding them to him, with a few nightcrawlers every other week. He's eating less than he did before he came to my house because he's overweight and my friend wanted him to lose some.
Now to my question.
Should I just start feeding him like I used to? Or do you think he will become less aggressive with time?
It's to the point I don't want to handle him, and he actually scares me slightly. I don't show it towards him, but he is in my room, so I'm slightly terrified he's going to get out (He has before) and try to take of my toes or fingers..
Any advice is helpful!!


Active Member
He could skip a meal that's for sure he is obese. That being said if he isn't eating as much as before he will be much more excitable because it is looking for food. Small meals of lean food daily, whole prey. Exercise maybe he'll come round.


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I agree with above postregarding weight and meals. However, keep in mind that you're under no obligation to be the monitor's friend. Just keeping him healthy is good work on your part and fine for the lizard.


New Member
Okay, thank you guys! I'm completely aware he's obese, it's cause my friend usually feeds him every day. Ive been feeding him every 3-4 days. Just wanted to make sure I was doing everything right because I've never taken care of a reptile before. I'm really hoping he comes around because he's starting to act aggressive towards me and I don't feel comfortable with it. I think it might also be because he used to have full access to my friends entire apartment and he doesn't get that anymore.

Kamau Le Boidae

New Member
My own herps, a certain water dragon in particular, is a complete puppy dog around me while other people give her the heeby-jeebies. It's normal for animals furred, feathered, or scaled to be wary of people they're not familiar with, so don't be discouraged by this and just give him time and go around this site looking for the many great threads about taming if he really does make you nervous to be around.

Like take an old T-shirt, wear it for a day, and place it in the cage with that big boy to allow him to grow used to you, and then slowly work up the taming ladder as HE paces it. If he's already cuddly towards your friend this shouldn't take long, but if not... then try to at least make it to where you can take proper care of him where both of you feel comfortable.

Taming seems to be the biggest endeavor when it comes to my experience with reptiles, as some become sweet as can be while others... Not so much. It's like picking jelly beans out of a jar, you can get strawberry or black licorice but regardless you shouldn't put that candy back. Here's a link that might help:


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