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5 Year Member
Lexi if you used your credit card you shouldn't have too much of a problem. I would also send the credit card a link to the BOI as evidence that it is likely a scam and / or a fraudulent transaction. I wouldn't even wait, I would do it asap and save yourself any more stress.


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Yeah i talked to my CC company and told them about the BOI and everything and they had me do a report online with the link to the BOI and everything. they said everything would be straightend out in a few days! thank you Nat and everyone else. now i kinda know how KDK felt.


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5 Year Member
Lexi I had something similar happen to me when I made my first online purchase in my teens. Turns out the guy I sent money to was a known scammer and I only got it resolved because I called his parents house (scammers don't like it when you have their personal info I guess). That's how I actually found out about the BOI and I know that sick to your gut feeling you get when you know something isn't going to turn out right. Even if they agree to send you an animal, there would be a nail biting sick to your stomach worry until you recieve the animal that something would likely be wrong with it. Even if they get a hold of you and try to send you the animal I would refuse and tell them you have reason to believe that they are fraudulent and that they had plenty of time to get a hold of you (you can send them the links to the BOI, which I am sure they are already aware of) and don't fall for their excuses.... I am sure they will try to tell you that their grandma's died or their dog at their kid or something to explain why they hadn't gotten back to you. Don't fall for it and hopefully soon enough it will just be a bad memory!


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Yeah thanks Nat you where a great help along with everyone else.
If it waznt for this forum i wouldnt of known what to do really.. Like i said.. Iv never had this happen.. I let my guard down with this lady, And now i know to never let that happen again.
Thank you.


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not really.. Im waiting to hear back from my CC company.. They said they would handel it... once i hear from them you guys will be the first to know!


Former Admin
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You know, I really like this!! This community makes me proud, just the way you guys banned together to help each other really is awesome. You guys rock!! ;)


New Member
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You know, I really like this!! This community makes me proud, just the way you guys banned together to help each other really is awesome. You guys rock!! ;)

Yeah man, it really is awesome knowing that you have a whole community of like-minded thinkers to back you up!

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