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Here is an Odd question


Active Member
5 Year Member
Hello all,

Things are going good with Zilla.

I was wondering if a Tegu can tell my various boy parts is me? Example: I know that she recognizes my hands and my face. Either by sight or scent or both.

I like to take her out of her cage, and let her wonder around on my bed. Often she will crawl under the covers, and nuzzle up against my leg. Or crawl on to my feet and go to sleep. Or even crawl up as far as she can between my legs. I was wondering if she knew it was me that she was laying on? I dont think my legs or feet smell the same as my hands.


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
Yeah, it's probably the smell. Personally, I don't recommend letting your tegu make a habit of nuzzling near your privates. If something startles/provokes Godzilla, you don't want to accidentally get neutered.


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5 Year Member
lol funny. But I wear pants, usualy jeans. So she would have a hard time biteing me. Her favroite spot is to rest on my feet, so more likely she might bite a toe. So far though, she has shown no signs of agression at all. She is very calm and dosile. Whats dituring about a tegu looking for a warm spot to sleep?


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
If it makes you feel any better, Kodo once ran up my pant leg. He was chilling in my lap and then tried to jump off the chair; he was dangling by his leash and when I put him back in my lap, he shot up my shorts and then tried to burrow around my buttock. Was very uncomfortable and freaked me out. My leg got clawed to hell.


Active Member
5 Year Member
Damn 'D' key. Yea thats what I meant. I didnt even notice the typo untill you just mentioned it.

And so far she isnt big enough for her claws to do any damage to my skin. But they are pointy and sharp and uncomfortable.

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