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Hmm what to do?


New Member
I have had my tegu for a little over a week now. Now I read your not supposed to feed it in its cage but what to do if its burrowed or in its hide all the time? I have taken it from its hide twice to feed it and I was kinda wanting to see the little bugger but other than that it has been eating the odd cricket I put into its enclosure. Its been two days and I havn't caught the little bugger out of its hide. I check the cage probably ever 30 minutes or so to see if it is out but it seems like she can here me coming. How long should I go before breaking down and taking it out of its hide to feed? Thank you all for your time.



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5 Year Member
It is ok to feed in the enclosure. Put the food in a bowl, and leave it in the enclosure.


New Member
Alright. I just didn't know because from what I've been reading it can cause cage aggression and with it being a Columbian tegu already I wanted to limit that as much as possible. Thank you for the reply.

On another note. I am getting pretty near complete with my tegus future enclosure and i had a question on sealing it. I have a can of drylok that I was planning on using for the initial coat. Then a couple coats of a exterior house paint. Then seal the cracks with window/door silicone. Does this sound good? Thanks for your time.


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5 Year Member
I would do 2 coats of Drylok, but otherwise your plans sound good.

In my opinion cage/food aggression comes in to play when you only interact with them when feeding. If you go into the cage for other reasons, I don't think you will have a problem.

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