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5 Year Member
I have a so called reptile store in my city who has no heat/uvb on their reptiles, they advised me i could substitute mice with hotdogs on 2 occaisions, i went on a rant cause i was pissed off, i got put out the second time, it was so sad, they got iguanas, geckos, uromastyx(who need basking temps 130*+) and some savies and columbian tegus + others, i called the authorities but havnt heard bk from them yet, its past animal cruelty its inhumane


New Member
Yes it's heart breaking, but buying their animals only allows them to buy more :( the spca. Insane how you call the SPCA on a canine cruelty case and they are there in hours but reptiles are pushed to the end of the list. they had snakes just sitting in feces And urine the place reeked of ammonia... Snakes eating snakes. I figured I would rescue 2 Argentine tegus which were sold to Me as columbians for 75$ each. Good thing I knew the difference and just took the offer. One tegu didn't make it, his spine shattered so i put him down. This one is making improvements slowly..

I'll try and get them up for you montana. I'll make a separate thread if I can so that I don't continue hijacking this one!


New Member
There is one exiotic pet store where I live and they actually rescue neglected animals and turn them into pet store pets (not for sale) this poor b&w tegu there is 3 years old its a male and is only about 3 feet long if that and the people who had it kept it in a 40 gallon breeder for 3 years and only fed him hard boiled eggs nothing else, he's extrmemly obese but now he's got a 6x3x2 with a doggy door on it and happily gets attention from whoever walks in I bring him turkey when I go on cricket runs lol

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