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How terribly sad....


Active Member
5 Year Member
Some of your animals eat some form of meat in their food. Your dogs most likely eat dog food that comes from some sort of meat. Your tegu will eat many rats and mice and ground turkey and beef liver or whatever. That beef liver everyone feeds their tegus comes from places like Harris Ranch in Cali where the cows are abused and have no room to walk or do anything other than eat and poop. I don't know if you eat eggs but many eggs come from chickens kept in very inhumane situations which is possibly worse than killing them. I don't think it's fair that we judge people for doing what they have to to survive just because they kill an animal we keep as a pet. I also think it's hypocritical for us to keep them as pets and feel no sympathy for the animals their food came from.


New Member
TegusRawsome80 said:
Some of your animals eat some form of meat in their food. Your dogs most likely eat dog food that comes from some sort of meat. Your tegu will eat many rats and mice and ground turkey and beef liver or whatever. That beef liver everyone feeds their tegus comes from places like Harris Ranch in Cali where the cows are abused and have no room to walk or do anything other than eat and poop. I don't know if you eat eggs but many eggs come from chickens kept in very inhumane situations which is possibly worse than killing them. I don't think it's fair that we judge people for doing what they have to to survive just because they kill an animal we keep as a pet. I also think it's hypocritical for us to keep them as pets and feel no sympathy for the animals their food came from.

Yup I know all of this. I will never eat meat, but NO totally didn't realize animals do lmao. But I agree with the last line, it's really hard for me being an animal lover and vegetarian while having to feed a few of my pets meat since they'd die without it. I do feel great respect and very sad for those animals and even the bugs I keep as feeders that die to feed my animal. I wasn't telling anyone to become a vegetarian or anything so I don't know how this slightly just turned into an argument so I'm not coming back to this thread since I don't need any "drama", but I do know where the meat I feed, locally comes from, with the exception of the organic dog food I get. I know EXACTLY how so many animals are treated, raised, and killed and the quality of meats used, it's all extremely sad. like i said though, didn't mean to jump in the middle of some argument so just continue it without including me everyone. O.O sorry lol (p.s. i get eggs from my parents who raise some chickens)


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
i often wondered how people do gthe whole vegatarian thing. i dont think i could do it for long. if i dont have some form of animal meat i tend to get cranky. i do like a lot of vegitarian food tho, i eat humus on a weekly basis.

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