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How to get Temperature at 80° at night


Hey I have a 160 Megaray Watt for my Tegu, but I know you don't keep it on all night. So what is the best way to make the temperature 80°. I was thinking of doing a underheater pad and A cermaic heat bulb. Is that Good?Is there a way to make it to hot for them? Btw this is a 40Breeder tank. Please help me any answers are welcome. I know I can look online to find results, but most are out of date and there is so much facts. There is never a clear answer. Please help


Active Member
Whats the temp during the night currently? If it isnt below 65 I really wouldn't worry much.

Also may want to get a bigger enclosure, they grow fast.


Well-Known Member
My night temps stay between 65 and 70 I’d think most houses would have no issue staying at this ambient temperature


Yea, I know that the enclosure is small this isnt his permanent spot. Just temporarily so I can get him use to being held. So one more question how high does you guys temperature go to. I want its to be at least 110° because I heard that is what is preferred. Thanks alot for the help btw. But not you Walter you need help.


Active Member
Yea, I know that the enclosure is small this isnt his permanent spot. Just temporarily so I can get him use to being held. So one more question how high does you guys temperature go to. I want its to be at least 110° because I heard that is what is preferred. Thanks alot for the help btw. But not you Walter you need help.
You do really need to upgrade your enclosure as you can't provide a cool end in the 70's that easy when you need 110-120 basking temperatures plus a warm side. That and it's not even going to last a month, a tegu can easily go from 10 inches long to 20 inches in a month...and a month flys by fast. A 40 gallon breeder is normally only 36 inches long so you can see the problem. I'd suggest going to at least a 4x2x2 or just go with the "adult" enclosure that's 8x4x4.

The bigger enclosure won't make handling harder.

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